Then getst off the Internets Unless you're a core programmer of the OS you're using, what do you know anyway? There is some safety in multitude; such has been the history of "safety" in the world. Not that there was actual safety. Watch MS not do anything to you but our ISP rats you out.. Anything you do over the internet leaves traces. Even great hackers get caught. Etc. If you want to use a tablet with store apps (iOS, Android, Win8/10) then what privacy do you have?
Your statement doesn't sound right, because the EULA of windows makes it legal that they can spy on their windows. When you use windows you allow them to violates your rights, or as they say, don't use it. So why would they even need to do anything illegal when the masses allow them to do it legally. Try looking up the word, SPY. Please post the proof that everyone can see what data is sent out of our PC to microsoft.