is windows 11 good or bad, poll

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by iota, Sep 17, 2022.


win11 is? compared to previous wins, like 10 8.x 7 etc.

Poll closed Oct 19, 2022.
  1. windows11 is almost best windows ever

    24 vote(s)
  2. windows11 is an improvement from previous windows releases

    59 vote(s)
  3. windows11 is mostly equal to predecessors

    28 vote(s)
  4. windows11 is a mix bag of good and bad

    72 vote(s)
  5. windows11 is going to a bad direction

    47 vote(s)
  6. windows11 is a nightmarish release

    38 vote(s)
  1. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    i used lot of linux distros over the years including opensuse, linux mint, ubuntu and few others,
    but not deep usage becuz linux is not really usable, it's just for discovering and playing around for some time and then going back to windows lol.
    but i can say that windows design language is far better than any other os including macOS or linux or whatever,
    and that applies for windows 11 and all previous windows versions as well.
  2. DontuZoru

    DontuZoru MDL Senior Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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  3. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #23 acer-5100, Sep 20, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
    Don't mix the OS with the GUI. I'm talking about the latter. the windows GUI is historically linked to a single OS, so it's obviously more well integrated on low level things, say the control panel or mmc, while KDE or Gnome runs on a wide variety of underlying OSes. Not just various Linux flavors, all *bsd, Sun's unix and so on, but also MacOS or Windows.

    In windows now is even easier than ever thanks to WSL.

    Whatever, I'm talking about doing normal things.

    A stupid one, for example... try to get the taskbar on the right of your screen while keeping the start button on the bottom and the systray on the top.

    In KDE tha'r possible since the first betas from the last millennium, in windows you can't, in Win 11 you can't put the taskbar on the right at all!! (w/o a 3rd party sw).

    Also two of the main points that Windows people used in jokes about Linux, was the lack of an universal, coherent, equivalent of the CPL, and the need to use the terminal to do a lot of things that in Windows you could do with an easy GUI tool.

    Well, in 2022 the coherence of CPL is gone, given the stupid move to the "modern" settings, while a lot of things require powershell, or the command line in general to be accomplished.

    A not so stupid thing, the hard links, symbolic links junctions and so on... They are things that in *nix are there since the beginning, MS copied them since XP, and use them extensively since Vista, but almost no Windows guy have idea about what they are, because the GUI lacks a single reference or tool to manage them. (you need the great hard link shell extension to figure what they are, while in KDE you can manage them since the beginning).

    I can continue for a day...
  4. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Windows 11 ?
    It's neither good nor bad, it's an absurd and completely brainless and non-functional piece of junk.
    And certainly this is not operating system, it is just a literal dump and using what ever design cannot make it better.
    It needs to be fundamentally changed, all the manure needs to be removed and so that only a clean OS left.
    This is my opinion and choise.
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  5. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    i tried to use linux it's not usable at all, it's not practical, it's not helpful, every simple task require searching google and browsing multiple results and wasting lot of time and in the end after trying everything you still get errors and search them again on google and eventually nothing works and in the end you just give up,
    you can go to any distro forums online and see how much problems posted there with no clear solutions,
    windows on the other hand you can criticize it all you want but in the end it's useful you can count on it, any problem have multiple solutions everywhere on the internet, there are tons of 3rd party apps for anything you want to customize or whatever that's not included by default on windows and everything just works; i never had any problem that couldn't be solved in windows, in the contrary it's rare that i find any solution to any issue i encounter during my time on linux, what you get is just frustration with lot of terminal lines.

    i'll give you simple examples just last few days i was using linux mint, i wanted to just open some password protected rar files and i couldn't do that by simple right click, no, i had to use 7z x command on terminal each time, that's very unhelpful.
    another example, i have a bitlocker encrypted vhd drive that i can easily access on windows by double click mount and enter the password, on linux mint i spent many days searching and trying everything, and nothing worked at all.
    see now if just simple things like these are not reachable how about complex things and real work on the os, it must be a nightmare.
  6. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Damn interesting, the topic should be about Windows 11, but most of the talk is about Linux or the hell knows what else. Why such a mess where everything is messed up.
    Open or make a new topic for Linux if needed. This is not the place for that.
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  7. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    I personally like win 11 don't have any mayor problem using it .
  8. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Reduced control and additional steps to do basic tasks from Windows 10 is why I wont be using Windows 11.

    Every time I do support for people that use Windows 11 I find it super annoying that I have to do a 2nd click to see the full start menu and full context menu. I also HATE forced task grouping.
  9. Mincemeat

    Mincemeat MDL Novice

    Apr 2, 2019
    A no good. Probably still half of control panel in settings, tpm requirement, trying to abolish local user, having to change gp to control updates, using a external tool to block specific update, siphoning user data, etc.

    They should just cancel 10-11 and make 7-8 compatible with new hardware but I guess we here where its a product making only a tiny portion of revenue for ms and a desktop monopoly.

    Its gonna be interesting if majority of cpus will have pluton and ms goes next lvl.
  10. chillgates

    chillgates MDL Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Win11 22h2 final released. as usual i am playing with it on vmware right now. Still TPM check is skippable with Autounattend.xml. Internet connection is required to install os and m$ account login on startup is compulsory as before. But once you are in, you can stop using m$ account , PIN and create local account instead. Dumbest thing m$ did for this account creation procedure lol. During installation a msg warned that on a incompatible CPU , updates will be stopped. But I am still getting updates. I found that updates are downloading and installing faster than before.
  11. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    You are as flexible as a ceramic tile. In case you didn't notice one of the point here is about how the GUI of Windows is getting worse. Comparing it with older Windows AND to other OSes is absolutely natural for normal people. Just like, if we were talking of a new Ferrari would be natural to compare it to a Porshe or a McLaren.

    Is that so hard to understand?
  12. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Linux has many quirks, but the vhd example is not that meaningful. Do you think that opening a virtual disk from linux, encrypted with linux methods would be any easier in Win [11] ?

    As for 7zip or win rar they work pretty well under Wine, just like most of Linux utilities are working pretty well in WSL under Windows.
  13. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Your stupid childish jokes are getting annoying.
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  14. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Jokes? o_O

    If you think that a serious discussion about an OS is a joke. I suggest to find a different hobby.
  15. chillgates

    chillgates MDL Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Linux lovers always talk about security, availability of free Linux, gui variants, minimal setup and disk requirements, speed and stability. But they don't talk about compatibility, support of wide variety of drivers, limited multimedia capabilities, non user friendliness, difficulty in using Linux.

    The disadvantages of Linux are naturally advantages of windows but it is filled with bloatware, user spying, bad GUI, forced updates.

    Forums are to discuss and compare. I don't see anybody playing jokes in the conversation till now. You don't know the facial expression of a guy talking here. You cannot decide that he is playing jokes.
  16. iota

    iota MDL Junior Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    few times i used (or use) windows, powershell has become my usual tool.

    i have shifted little bit, i use linux because 1: user control, 2: privacy, 3: security. i mean user control has become number one, but security is still big one.

    like someone already pointed out, linux has bad habit having multiple settings and they not even work if you found the correct one. software is sometimes beta quality. since windows 10 and windows 11, two control panels, beta software, settings may not work. some kind of coherence is missing in windows.

    i intended this thread as windows 11 versus previous wins, not windows (all) vs linux, but is windows losing to others because of win11 and partially win10. in my view, after win11, i go even deeper with linux, i already were deep enough in linux world though. windows 7 was tolerable enough to be used and finetuned, still i used it somewhat little.

    if windows would not be serious requirement for gamers, i don't think windows would be popular at this point.
  17. chillgates

    chillgates MDL Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    yes, maximum ppl use windows for gaming and movies. linux missed that point.
  18. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    Yes that would be much easier on windows, there is no room for comparison,
    also i would not do that in linux in the first place considering the hassle and trouble
  19. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    I bought my teenage daughter a 14 in Lenovo Chromebook a few months ago. Between it and her iPhone, she hasn't found a need to fire up her Windows Desktop since
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