is windows 11 good or bad, poll

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by iota, Sep 17, 2022.


win11 is? compared to previous wins, like 10 8.x 7 etc.

Poll closed Oct 19, 2022.
  1. windows11 is almost best windows ever

    24 vote(s)
  2. windows11 is an improvement from previous windows releases

    59 vote(s)
  3. windows11 is mostly equal to predecessors

    28 vote(s)
  4. windows11 is a mix bag of good and bad

    72 vote(s)
  5. windows11 is going to a bad direction

    47 vote(s)
  6. windows11 is a nightmarish release

    38 vote(s)
  1. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    There is no room for comparison about what?

    It's obviously harder doing things in system which is not what one consider his native OS. Just like for me is harder to write in English instead of my mother tongue, but its the same in the opposite direction, and not because my language is easier or more complicate than English.

    Then is matter of mental flexibility an good will in learning.

    Personally I use any OS I like, and I know the strength and the weakness of most of them, but usually they aren't what the average Joe think they are
  2. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    we are not talking about the flexibility of learning or advancing vs beginning, in that context there are windows users who don't know how to do simple tasks too,
    there is no comparison means if you put your mind into doing that thing on windows it will be much easier and you can find tutorials and it will be accomplished in the end,
    but if the other way around most of the time nothing works or you get a loop of errors and problems,
    so in short, things are easier on windows, issues are manageable, everything just works, and if something does not, you can make it, and it is not complicated ,
    linux is not user friendly, it's essentially made for servers not for desktop use
  3. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Yeah I remember when (in the early 2000s) I spent half a day to install a network enabled HP multifunction printer (not so common back in the day) in an office where 20 machines were windows and 2 were Linux mandrake.

    At the time the HP driver disk was larger than the XP installation disk, on each machine I had a different problem, leading to hours of lengt install the driver remove the driver, cleanup the registry and so on.

    When was the Linux turn, I was just terrified about what I whas going to face, but Linux just had a popup saying "i detected a network printer HP model xxx-zzz, do you want to configure it?" I clicked YES, and I had nothing else to do. Windows one afternoon, Linux one second.

    And I can report a long string of similar cases from the last 20 years.

    No, Linux problem is not the lack of simplicity. Linux problem is the evolving pace which is an order of magnitude greater than Windows.

    Working on win 11 is not that different than working on XP, after all. On the other hand working on Ubuntu 2204 is hugely different than working on, say, PClinuxOS 2007.

    That's the problem. A problem which is not understood by either the average windows Users nor most of the Linux developers
  4. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    ok i get it, linux is greater than windows, thank you xD
  5. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Please don't project your what of thinking to others, its not like that other people thinks like fanboys just because is the way you behave or because you're used to discuss with them.

    The world is not binary, there is not black and white only, and there is not greater OS. There is SW that does what you need, And at my home Windows, Linux and Android mostly do what I need.

    Macos, absolutley not.
  6. atgpud2003

    atgpud2003 MDL Addicted

    Apr 30, 2015
    Windows 11 is not too good due CPU and etc.. Why we have spend more $$ newer hardware.. I will stay Windows 10 for quite time to allow support my CPU.. I already have TPM 2.0 module install both PC.. SO, it the CPU problems..

  7. iota

    iota MDL Junior Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    voting is still going on and there is a deadline. however,some preliminary conclusion.

    i was little surprized of results. roughly speaking one third for pro-win, middle and anti-win. i know that this place has pro windows users but more what i expected. i was expecting 75% for anti-win, and 15% for middle and 10% for pro-win.

    if i take basis of comments, windows 11 is highly obnoxious and toxic waste which should be thrown into place which is worse than black hole.
  8. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    "Windows, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." :D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. TheCollDude489

    TheCollDude489 MDL Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    In my opinion Windows 11 is a mixed bag. There are some good things in Windows 11 like the presentation, accessibility and usual under-the hood improvements. However there are bad things present like forced internet connection on Home and Pro, forced Microsoft account on Home, heavily increased reliance on UWP, far higher system requirements that exclude usable hardware as well as introduce potential for hardened DRM, heavily increased pushing of cloud content and subscription services, lower overall performance, removing plenty of useful features, and certain tasks taking much longer to do.

    Most of the bad things can be removed or mitigated which improve Windows 11 substantially, but stock it's a mixed bag that in my opinion is not a good successor to Windows 10 (Server 2022 fits that role far better despite not having many of the client features).
  10. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #50 acer-5100, Sep 28, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    Server 2022, Server 11 (and other older servers) fits that role BECAUSE they lack the client features.

    And it's not a windows only trend. Just look at the (once) most used Android file-manager, ES file explorer.

    It used to be the best of the best, then it was splitted in standard and pro, where pro was a paid SW and was essentially the same thing as the older versions.

    On the other hand the non Pro version, which was free, became a nightmare of bloated features.

    Pro installer is 8MB, the free version is over 50MB....

    The good old said that the good wine comes in small barrels, is confirmed once again.
  11. TheCollDude489

    TheCollDude489 MDL Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    I know they instantly fit that role due to lacking certain client features like UWP, cloud content, advertising, and other bloat. However there are other client features not present in Server which are actually useful like WSL and new DirectX features. The reason I mentioned Server 2022 fitting the role of Windows 10 successor far better is because it has many of the under-the-hood features and improvements present in Windows 11 without any of the downsides of Windows 11.
    I also am aware of the trend of downgrading a product/service just to sell what is essentially the old version, several programs I used in the past have followed this trend, none which I use anymore.
  12. naxal

    naxal MDL Member

    May 15, 2014
    Windows 11 is certainly not bad.

    Issue is the business model which MS wants to switch to. Windows in its UI / Core / Target and function is never designed / visioned to be a subscription-based service. Windows is meant to be one time pay and full install !!

    Their attempt to adopt this into a subscription model or attempt of pay wall implementations is messing things up.

    Microsoft needs to reimagine and revision the concept of this software from ground up. For example, Chrome OS -> everything happening on the cloud, your PC is just a remote control, something like that or may be something completely different!!

    Our experience with Windows will continue to degrade as MS continue to try to move to FREE install and then try to earn via subscription and paywall models !!
  13. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Fanboys/girls are always going to over-represent. This poll (due to what kind of site it is on) will also only apply to the group of users capable of modifying their OS to mold it into their ideal user experience.

    If you were to poll people like my mom and dad (who liked Windows 10), you would see over 90% Windows 11 hate. I have talked to maybe 100 regular Joe/Jane types about Windows 11 and to date, exactly 1 said they preferred Windows 11.
  14. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #54 acer-5100, Sep 29, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
    WSL is obviously included in Server 11


    about DirectX I have no idea of what you're talking about. What feature is supposed to be missing?

    AFAIK the only things that Server 11 lacks are a couple of audio codecs, easy to install or (replace with LAV codecs), some BT drivers, easy to install (or replace with toshiba stack), and a couple of HID drivers, again easy to add.

    Server 11 lacks also the android subsystem. I have no idea if it easy to add because the ridiculous memory requirements of 8GB of memory. In 8 GB I can run Sever 11 itself and another couple of virtual machines (one of which can be a full fledged Android x86)

    That said, I vastly prefer to add a couple of package in a light system like Win Server, rather than wasting hours removing crap from win client.

    As a bonus win server doesn't have any requirements checks (something that no one other than me has noticed here) and comes with hugely useful features like the deduplication or the RRAS router.
  15. TheCollDude489

    TheCollDude489 MDL Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    #55 TheCollDude489, Sep 29, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
    Oh, I didn't know that Server actually came with WSL. Thanks for correcting me on that.

    By DirectX features, I was talking about the new DirectX features Microsoft announced alongside Windows 11 that would improve performance in games and other stuff. Those features will probably be included in the next Server version unless Microsoft intentionally doesn't include them.

    I'm not sure about the Android Subsystem either. I guess the difficulty of implementing it would depend on how it was designed and if it relies on anything only present in Windows 11. You can substitute Microsoft's Android images for your own, so compatibility issues with the Android images Microsoft provides can be worked around. Although at that point it's easier and quicker to set up a VM running fully fledged Android x86 like you mentioned.

    As for adding other missing features back, I didn't realize there were that little features missing from Server and that adding them back is very quick to do.
  16. iota

    iota MDL Junior Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    when reading comments about windows server, i probably have to seriously re-test server again. older days win server were favored because of server features and some lightweightness. these days server might be good because it avoids some annoying features what are in ordinary workstation releases.
  17. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    In the older day Server 2003 (X86) was (and still is) a way better OS, than XP5.1 because it was a generation ahead, with a much better kernel.

    XP64 had already the same kernel as 2003(amd64). Perhaps that fooled many people (me included) in to thinking that 64bit systems were way faster and better than 32bit siblings, which is mostly contrary of what really happens.

    XP64 was better and faster than XP32 because it was 5.2 v.s. 5.1 system NOT because it was x64 v.s. 32.
  18. atgpud2003

    atgpud2003 MDL Addicted

    Apr 30, 2015
    As for Now I am currently using Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64) on 2 Servers and rest of all are Windows 10 Pro For Workstation all 8 computer and will skip Windows 11 see Windows 12 or 13 to see improvements.. Here real problems is That need keep spending newer hardware that not that old.. SO, WHY Windows 11 want us or people spend more $$ CPU's and TPM 2.0 to do all hassle.. Windows 10 is great.. Remember it WIndows XP and Windows 7 did fine job til right time WIndows 10..

  19. sreekanth850

    sreekanth850 MDL Novice

    Dec 10, 2020
    In Addition, 11 uses much more ram than 10 for that additional looks. I had tried both OS with same state (No software installed, only drivers and windows update) in a Lenovo laptop with 8 GB Ram with Core 15 8th Gen, with TPM enabled for both OS. On a bare OS Windows 10 was showing 29 -28% of Ram usage. Where as Windows 11 Was taking 38 to 39 %.
  20. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    There were cases where very high RAM usage on a system with a HDD would preform far better on XP64 due to the higher RAM limit resulting in less paging. These cases would also make it seem like 64 bit was faster than 32 bit.