It doesn't matter if you disable telemetry or not. Windows 10 still talking to MS.

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Hlx, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Hlx

    Hlx MDL Junior Member

    May 15, 2014
    #81 Hlx, Aug 14, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  2. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    You too then need to explain the magic and fairydust that allows blocked processes, services and data to be sent.

    People REALLY don't understand how these things work, do they? :rolleyes:
  3. Y314K

    Y314K MDL Junior Member

    May 25, 2014
  4. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest


    The warning emails and phone calls have started from the Internet service providers and Microsofts security unit regarding windows 10 tempering and hacking their tracking systems by a
    11 people that I personally know (heads up) they are being told to reinstall win ten again for security reasons and all of you guys think they are not keeping tabs on Windows operating systems new and old :(
  5. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I don't believe you.
  6. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    I dont either, but I do believe its time for another fud scud lol
  7. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    #88 AcuraTML, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2015
    You will hear soon enough or in the media about this,

    They got you or anyone with the rule: no reverse engineering and any mod on their products needs to be informed to them or its another breach of their rule code and they can an will come after the person it seems like it's hard ball from here on by M$ and other tech giants.

    It is and always been their shi-t regarding permissions and ownership and policy just with that fact they got the dollar to make some legal problem to any user trashing or butchering their product look they are protecting their own ass and the regular not so high tech user from any problems down the road makes sense to me
  8. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    Hey its up to you as a individual when the s**t hits the fan regarding this matter ;)

    The word is out now just heads up your all on your own
  9. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    This is nonsense. Disabling things by using Window's own functions is NOT reverse engineering.
  10. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    Just sharing what I got informed about in the last 12 hours in regards to people people who I know very well who for sure done some butchering in Windows ten to stop the win 8 or ten device from talking to another server out there lots of times in an 8 to 10 hour span each and every day your windows 8 or ten powered device is on talking about pc's here not smartphones that's another ball of bees wax
  11. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    One more time before punching someone out of stupidity... (even though Ars as noted in the article comments /had not turned everything off/...)

    Is any part of this unclear? If so, please vacate the internet because you clearly have no comprehension of how the internet works, or I suspect computers in general.

    Turn all the tracking data back on and block the hell out of everything Microsoft related and WATCH your own traffic. NOTHING WILL GO ANYWHERE, EVEN IF YOU LEAVE IT ON THEN. The setting is IRRELEVANT when you control the actual DATA and where it can go...

    Present a single shred of evidence that if I block all traffic to a site it can somehow do so. It's okay to admit you don't understand how things work sometimes. Perpetuating this nonsense however does nothing to help. I've asked several times for someone to do so. Nobody has even tried to. I suspect they know they are wrong and just can't admit it publically.
    The amount of stupid is overwhelming...
  12. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    As one of the conspiracy fantasists who seems to believe that pixies carry data off of your system even if you have it firmly blocked, I think it's fairly safe to consider anything he spouts not particularly worth the bytes of server space he's crapped it out onto.

    Doesn't have a clue. Let's not waste any more time on someone so willfully ignorant.
  13. msr

    msr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    In the real world they know only a small amount of people are savy enough to block anything going to net. They will get most peoples data as most people will not either know about this stuff, or care.
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  14. msr

    msr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    #95 msr, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
    Only if you are a individual being targeted directly will they be obsessing with your personal data. If you are targeted by gov agencies as an individual then they will use this data they collect.

    But i would guess probably in low millions worldwide are directly targeted as individuals by gov surveillance. The rest of you are being surveilled as a group, but they probably are allocating your data to a file so if they need it later, they can pull all the data they want on you, or anyone.

    They are awful at analysing data and this is what is dangerous to people, as when they are watching you, everything you do is wrong to them. They simply are awful at analysing the data they collect on you. This is what people should be worried about, as no one can truly understand another person.

    If they are monitoring you, they will be watching all the data they collect on you on a day to day basis. So its wrong to say they are not doing this. Like i said, probably in low millions worldwide are monitored as individuals.

    But anyone can in turn get on watch lists.
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  15. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    indeed, the average user with windows 10 on their system has no idea, and because they have no idea, will go on blissfully without a thought.

    The louder voices in the world will speak for them. If changes come, they will be from Windows update.

    Again, the average user will have no idea these things have changed, and because they have no idea, will go on blissfully without a thought.