It's not stealing if it's something you need!? A discussion on the topic of ethics...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by timesurfer, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    You don't sound like a Nazi to me and your voice is as valuable as any here but you got to think bigger and expand your feelings beyond your immediate self so you can come up with greater answers to problems that might not affect you but do your brother and sisters on earth who are suffering greately

    p.s. You'd have to own the Galaxy to charge me rent, hence there is no fee to be alive or live as that is god's gift of creation

    But man/woman take advantage of god's generosity and damn anyone that reminds them of god not charging to be alive and healthy

    Man/woman takes and enslaves his own brother/sisters to be dependent on him/her saying finders keepers

    Flawed logic #1,000

    There is only one galactic center and it's the center of all galaxies in eternity so if one is at the heart of a galaxy they are at the center of all galaxies ;)

    It is hard to say stay on topic as the topic is "It's not stealing if it's something you need!?"

    But the topic is also "A discussion on the topic of ethics..." and given that we assume that because societies laws are the current laws that they are ethical and anyone opposing them are criminals. Did we forget again in america we live on what use to be indian land and it was raped and stolen from them. Does real ethics just forget what was unethical before and set up new standards of ethics? We as a planet keep doing crappy stuff then we set up an ethic to make us forget how unethical we really are in our past

    Do we create pasts of immorality then stay in the present saying we're ethical here and the past is gone?

    I do think children and elderly are give more slack in at least in America?!

    And you've made the most important of observations in that we really don't know of another's situation and in you not being able to live with yourself if you turned them if they really needed what they took you demonstrate what it is to be a human that has his heart functioning properly and ethically...

    If I see you stealing something to survive I won't rat you out cause again till I walk in your shoes I don't really know your situation and the system is deliberately set up to make sure no one where's other shoes as to keep us divided and isolated from our brothers and sisters in need because the system is based on scare tactics and bogus scarcity...
  2. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    Do not be hard. If the situation is difficult to ask for help.

    You spoke of compassion. With compassion and manages to steal?
  3. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Call the police!! The police will bring him to shelter where he will get what he needs! AS long as he was not aggressive..... then I would have to take other steps.

    Thanks Friend!!:worthy:
  4. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    When your out on the streets "being hard" may be all that keeps you alive and sane!

    And you speak as if the system was built on morals and it has no bad past so stealing is really relative to it being a system of theft based on stealing land, resources then after the rape of the indigenous everything is ok

    In a system based on scarcity and scare tactics their are always sacrifices needed and that is immoral and it is insensitive to blame someone just trying to survive...

    Also it is easy for you to talk given you haven't walked in a homeless persons shoes. Walk in their shoes for a month, alone, scared, cold and hungry then you'll have a different opinion and reality to speak of but most don't really care enough to try on anothers shoes

    It's also a thread on ethics not just stealing so open your mind a little ;)

    The mind and heart are like a parachute, they don't work unless they're open :rolleyes:

    Unfortunately we have another situation where it is not as easy as go to a shelter. Most shelters have a waiting list and woman and children are always first which leaves many 1,000's of men stranded and scared outdoors :(

    Most of these men then end up in jail which starts an even worse downward spiral of terrible things that traumatize these victims of society

    And what if one does work at night then the shelters are closed and again a working man has no safe, warm place to rest

    The world really needs to open their eyes and use real compassion and understanding not just give quick insensitive answers without knowing what people are really going through...
  5. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    @ timesurfer,

    I understand you. :p

    I am in favor of helping those in need.
    My country has many people living on the streets.

    * I am against stealing because who learns to steal will not stop stealing.
    Stealing makes you worse than the need.

    We can not act in the wrong way to achieve something right.

    If stealing is good, we all steal the powerful.
  6. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #26 timesurfer, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
    Thanks, I just want people to extend themselves beyond the usual quick, insensitive blanket statements and expand their compassion and vision.

    I too have been stolen from, a couple bikes (got one back), a blank check that someone wrote but I'm scared of stealing cause I just can't afford to get in trouble. Sometimes I'm at the grocery store and only have money for food but want some wine and could steal some but I don't again cause I don't want to go to jail.

    I think the only thing I stole this life was a candy cigarette when I was a kid. I told my Dad and he actually returned it

    And a jar of nacho cheese like 7 years ago

    But that's it!

    My Dad was pretty straight and narrow and no one in my family drank, smoked or did any drugs or anything "unethical" ever!!!

    I grew up in totally clean cut compassionate environment so I have good examples but not everyone has that supreme love growing up so we have to have greater understanding than just of ourselves

    And I understand when one must only think of just themselves but people get addicted to being selfish as it defines them keeping from others or being selfish

    One time I found a bag of great herb and was actually praying to find some but I actually found the guy who lost it and turned out he was a total jerk and did not appreciate me giving it back to him

    We learn to steal I think cause the world is really based off of it. Everything is stolen cause we're the product of an society that was built on conquer and destroy attitudes and a past of slavery. Only recently in some places on earth is there not wars which are always about defense of territory and acquisition of material goods

    Also most have acted in a "wrong way" to achieve something right at some time or another, especially the U.S.

    I think of robin hood to remind us we live in crooked society, he stole from the rich to sustain the poor and had the rich not stolen all the resources he wouldn't have had to ;)

    Thanks for your comment paiva :bye1:
  7. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    So discussions about ethics is a tough topic :eek: since the whole world and historical cycle is based on unethical ideas and/or behaviors

    Remember guys this thread is not solely about "stealing" although everything you own and do has been stolen from indigenous because of massive militaristic threat and dominance towards original land owners or Indians thus it's really hard to be honest and open about ethics since terrible things had to happen world wide to get to where we are now which we consider ethical or moral

    Yea I'm calling you out

  8. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    I was thinking,

    When a needy person is not helped.

    What does she think?

    Maybe it's a very difficult question to debate.
  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    @Timex if you came home one day and found a Hobo smoking your best weed, what would you do ?
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  10. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    To scare him with a gun "how dare you touch my weed"....:argue:
    or being a compassionate person s/he will share the best weed with the Hobo.;)
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  11. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    "She" thinks the same thing every time

    I am human and deserve human rights treatment

    I do not have to be perfect to deserve such compassion and genuine help from those with such resources and compassion to help and my children

    Then we answer, oh well I have tennis practice to night and can't help you sorry, you'll survive

    Such f@#$ckin evil and hypocricy in the U.S. and everywhere else on earth mostly

    Can't blame one for fending for themselves upon tuff times as can't blame one for defending one's "possessions" :mad:

    Hobo would probably have weed but not healthcare and housing due to sadistic laws and evil govt's only caring for those who can cope in their fascist societal rituals like the "work week" and "salaries" :rolleyes:
  12. Paiva

    Paiva MDL Developer

    Apr 9, 2011
    TS, I think that governments had to have a specific program for this. Do not you think?
  13. cardex88

    cardex88 MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2012
    I think we live in an era where the human population continues to increase rapidly and resources are declining rapidly. then what do you expect from something like stealing from a person belongs. no theft if you live in some remote places when they belong to nature unless some rich people came and claimed that the area that you live is His. it's about power and human greed to take and exploit everything.