Keep your hands off my spyware

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by lobo11, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. blinkomatic

    blinkomatic MDL Novice

    Aug 10, 2009
    Does using Win 10 Enterprise LTSB help at all?
  2. AzTec

    AzTec MDL Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    They have your Hardware ID now, so Whats you Gonna Do when Theys Come Knocking, stop your rockin..........dinduit..aint that the saying now in the northern hemisphere
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  3. AzTec

    AzTec MDL Member

    Aug 4, 2009
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  4. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    It helps a lot, actually.
    Most of the data being sent is in the Windows Apps and LTSB only has a few system versions of them.
  5. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    1) Yes you can. We are doing so.
    2) EULA is not legally enforceable in most nations. It has no legal standing any more than my writing "By reading this sentence you agree to donate all your property and money to charity" does.
  6. shanye

    shanye MDL Junior Member

    Jun 6, 2015

    I will decide if Windows 10 is for me or not, thank you. You can do what you want - it doesn't bother me.
  7. Garbellano

    Garbellano MDL Addicted

    Aug 13, 2012
    The thing here is, m$ want to be like Google or Facebook, but with their user base. Google and Facebook are services but this is a whole OS, spying you, doing DBs about your (porn?) preferences, etc. All these with your consent OR LIKE IT OR NOT. Because, as you can see, they ignore the settings.
    And, again, if you create a tool, in someone computer, where collects data, PERSONAL DATA, like search preferences, sites visited, photos, videos and inclusive audios (voice) of this person, you go straight to JAIL. Because you are violating the user privacy, even if you EXPLICIT show somekind of agreement. But m$ is linked to the US goverment, as Apple, so...
  8. lobo11

    lobo11 TOMAHAWK CHOP

    Feb 16, 2012
    #28 lobo11, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
    Everyone seems to be missing the point, I don't care if you want to stop the spying, just do it in a responsible way that does not break the OS, do some research, not the first thing you see.:worthy:

    murphy78 said he would look into it in Post #11, that's someone you can trust, wait for his response.:biggrin:
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  9. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
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  10. WaltC

    WaltC MDL Addicted

    Mar 8, 2014
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  11. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Darn it! I thought there was a room full of black hats at Microsoft dedicated just to me.o_O
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  12. oroku

    oroku MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2011
    #32 oroku, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
    The point is to run Windows 10 so you have access to latest features when they become available, such as DX12, Security Patches, Microsofts VR Project support (Can't remember the name at this moment), without all of the downsides to it.

    Perhaps you may be okay with any data of yours being sent at any given point but other people have different opinions and want things their way. Live and let live?

    If there's threads of people who are crying because they turned something off and it broke something, let them, they probably have legitimate questions, that may benefit others or spark new thought. People modifying should atleast be able to either, A) know how to do a clean install of windows if all else fails or B), have an idea of what they're turning off prior and a generalized understanding of it to answer their own questions.

    Most importantly from my own perspective, I'm tired of seeing threads of people trying to calm down one another saying things along the lines of I've got nothing to hide, do you? A subreddit was totally filled with people of this particular mindset and all it makes me think is these people are tied to MS or some Agency in some way shape or form trying to sway perspective.

    Live and let live, we're beating dead horses. :(

    Edit: Also forgot to add, the arstechnica article in no way states that they attempted anything other than shutting off the provided gui switches through the settings app. I personally wasn't expecting this to turn anything off and can't imagine why anyone would take their word. If people do their homework, you will get results, this spying nonsense can be fully disabled as I have done so and my system is 100% stable and the way I want it.
  13. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    #33 mrbbq, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
    People posting the Ars article repeatedly simply didn't bother to look at the details or go any further. The toggles did for the most part exactly what they claimed to. Ars didn't go any further than those, and one of the items shown as connecting was Windows Error Reporting. Things like that are designed to work that way so they can provide the option to let Windows look for a solution if you allow it to, and that has worked that way for years, regardless of whether it should do so. That has nothing to do with any of the toggle settings. It reports the problem and searches for a solution - if you've had a program crash you've probably seen it do so in the past. Disable them and boom, nothing goes out or in from them either.

    Peerblock with the Microsoft list, Windows Firewall with the Microsoft processes for WCEIP/WER/Defender/etc block rules applied, TNBT script to rip out Cortana the Spying Bitcah, Spydrive etc, Toggle Tweaker and a few GPedit changes, and you won't see a single byte of data going out and the OS is perfectly stable without them.

    And Server 2016 Techpre 3 is even better despite the interface glitches that are still in there.

    Clearly not a reference to yourself. Irony, ow ow ow.
  14. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    That is far too much for a lot of users here. We need a one click solution that will kill it all, but also revert it all AND have multiple choices before that one click. It would need better descriptions of what each thing does and what it will stop. Some things will change other things in windows and people panic, why cant I click this, where is that, how come this is greyed out, what is the red text for. A lot of reasonable questions for those who are unsure and less knowledgeable.

    We can say don't be a noob and read, but bottom line IMO is, if people are going to advocate the privacy and the scary things MS is doing with Win10 in such a strong voice, they should also start teaching those who they are scarring the s**t out of.
    and Mostly for those who cannot find the "Thank for this post" in the first post of most threads. :suicide:

    I am all for privacy and protection of that privacy, but I will also be damned if I run around screaming the sky is falling without at least helping those that start following to understand why it is falling and how to use the umbrella.

    Just my 3 feet of s**t
  15. slapnuts

    slapnuts MDL Novice

    Jul 19, 2015
    MS has been doing this since XP...since 9/11. If people are this concerned, might as well toss out your smart phones too! All of this conspiracy stuff is repetative every time MS releases a new OS....but its nothing new actually. Again, if people are so concerned about this why are you using the phone in your pocket?
  16. oroku

    oroku MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2011

    Because smart phone technology is convenient and awesome. You are aware there's means to fully strip said concerns from a mobile phone OS as well, right? Live and let live. Again, I'd like to know why people are so concerned about other people caring about their privacy so much.
  17. shanye

    shanye MDL Junior Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    One day I came back from work to find someone I don't even know relaxing in my sitting room. What do I do?

    a) Do nothing - he's not doing any harm.
    b) Chuck his lazy arse out.

  18. oroku

    oroku MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2011
    This was beautiful.:clap:
  19. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    But that's not too bad, the worst I see is it's listing the MCHWID, and if it's a big deal, then we can just spoof the number in the registry. The eye's, laughed for about an hour, thanks.
  20. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    It can list a hardware ID all it likes - it isn't getting off my system, and the scripts are so self explanatory that most are a pretty `one stop` solution. If someone can't figure out that a toggle says "disable Cortana" and understand the repercussions are that it turns Cortuna (because it's "a bit fishy") off,... well they won't be hovering around somewhere like this.

    You can't have a tool that does it all and still have it so people can pick and choose what they want. There's no way to do it. Either the existing options that do let you toggle are too complicated because they DO provide varied granular options of control, or you have to make simpler "AIO" tools... where you then get people coming back wishing they had toggles and you're back to square one.

    You just cannot help some people. Too basic, they'll complain it breaks things or they didn't understand it. Add those explanations and it gets "too complicated" to understand. As someone who has written many, many tutorials for some incredibly complex things it's something I can say is sad, but true.