How can I run this in a VM where all my computers can point to the VM server and get activated? Thank you
Anyone care to tell this complete noob how to use this? I've dlownloaded Do I need to extract this on my Windows 8.1 machine and then run KMS_VL_ALL.cmd as admin or what steps are needed to activate my license? Thanks in advance!
FaiKee, thank you very kindly for your helpful reply. I first tried the "offline" version (KMS_VL_ALL_Offline.cmd) but that failed each time with a TunMirror.exe error. I then tried the "online" version (KMS_VL_ALL.cmd) while connected to the internet and that did work and has extended my license again. So I'm in good shape there. Also, is there a way to disable the Office 2013 portion of this by chance?
Relative bug = Relative Fix Yep, qewlpal and i made a hard work detecting Office stuff, specially Visio
You can run the main script KMS_VL_ALL.cmd even in offline status KMS_VL_ALL_Offline.cmd is sort of a backup as FaiKee point it out, the script is smart enough to skip retail/MAK activated Office but if you insist, open the script with notepad and search for: Code: if %name% equ Office set /a off15=1 replace it with: Code: if %name% equ Office exit /b
FaiKee & abbodi1406 - thanks again for the replies. My concern about office was just that, trying to mess with my MAK license install but now after reading the last reply I now know that the script is smart enough to ignore it. I thank you!
To THE HONOURABLE MEN who created /participated/ rendered their help in creating this masterpiece.. HATS OFF TO YOU SIRS... THANX A LOT..
"TriggerKMS" cmd. Is this correct ? Usage : Usage : thiscode.cmd days cmdfile Runs cmdfile if remaining-activation-days is LEQ days. Spoiler Code: @echo off SET _SLMGR_FN=%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs SET _CSCRIPT_FN=%windir%\system32\cscript.exe SET _ACT_DAYS=0 IF [%1]==[] ( ECHO Usage : %0 days cmdfile ECHO Runs cmdfile if remaining activation days is LEQ days. Exiting. EXIT 1 ) IF [%2]==[] ( ECHO Usage : %0 days cmdfile ECHO Runs cmdfile if remaining activation days is LEQ days. Exiting. EXIT 1 ) IF NOT EXIST %_SLMGR_FN% ( ECHO Cannot find %_SLMGR_FN% . Exiting. EXIT 1 ) IF NOT EXIST %_CSCRIPT_FN% ( ECHO Cannot find _CSCRIPT_FN . Exiting. EXIT 1 ) FOR /F "tokens=8 delims=() " %%G IN ('%_CSCRIPT_FN% %_SLMGR_FN% /dli ^| findstr " expiration:"') DO SET _ACT_DAYS=%%G IF NOT [%_ACT_DAYS%]==[day] ( ECHO %_SLMGR_FN% token 8 not day. Exiting. EXIT 1 ) FOR /F "tokens=7 delims=() " %%G IN ('%_CSCRIPT_FN% %_SLMGR_FN% /dli ^| findstr " expiration:"') DO SET _ACT_DAYS=%%G rem ECHO %_ACT_DAYS% rem ECHO %1 IF %_ACT_DAYS% LEQ %1 START "%0" "%2" EXIT 0 Could be used to run a script only if certain number of activation days left.
Thanks to all the talented members of MDL. I was going to buy 8.1 for A$70 educational. This isn't a lot to pay for a mature OS and value for money. I do have a problem though with having to plead with MS to allow me to carry my key across to another machine as I quite frequently change motherboards etc. As the father of a gaming son and daughter I get their hand-me-downs. I recall the experience of my smother-in-law who had a genuine copy of XP. When her machine croaked it I rebuilt and reinstalled XP with genuine CD and key. It wouldn't accept the key even though (to my knowledge and her's) no one else had used it. She spent the next two days flat out like a lizard drinking trying to get MS in Oz to allow her key for her new computer. She finally contacted MS HQ in Asia, but same response - no dice. I know her copy was genuine. I don't understand how they could refuse her. So big thank you to MDL developers. Maybe one day MS will revise their activation policies.
We can only hope. I have similar issues to yours, with my computer hardware being modified on a regular basis. Besides, as murphy says: "Never pay for software you can't own."
@abbodi1406 some questions if you don't mind 1. does it also work on vista (ent/business)? it has the proper keys in the batch though... 2. why is the need of .net4? i mean it uses v6 requests in win7 & 8 too? 3. randomkmspid generates the epid using the OS lcid (or 1033 everytime)? sorry if anything has been asked before. thanks
I bought MS Office 2013 pro plus - at a very good rebate via my job. $30 with permission to install on two PC's. I installed on one with no problems. After installing on my laptop - I got the well known activation screen - entering the legit serial, didn't lead to activation. MS wasn't willing to help. Phone activation didn't work either. The only thing which worked, was KMSpico as posted in this thread..................! Do I feel I cheat or steal? Not the slightest. I only got one install, despite MS sold me two - I now have 180 days grace, within this period I hopefully can find a solution. Thank you guy, for helping me out
Just install W8.1 Pro 32 Bit, and work perfect. Activate both (W8.1 and Office 2013 Pro with AutoKMS_VL_ALL (run as Admin). Only one question: Is AutoKMS_VL_ALL run automatic activation after 180 days for another 180, if not, what I must to do? Thank you!