KMS Activate Windows 8.1 (En & Pro) and Office 2013

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by FaiKee, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Jessica Alba

    Jessica Alba MDL Expert

    Jul 26, 2009
  2. ace2

    ace2 Guest

    #2063 ace2, Nov 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  3. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Ahh thx for noticing that. I've been using KMS Server Service so long I didn't even notice my reg add stuff.
    Kind-of weird how MS never blocked the server service.
    I'm not going to make a whole new download just for that. Everyone can follow amires' instructions yah?

    Sorry, I'm not going to do wim versions of the 8.1.
    People are jerks with seeding and I can't do any other file modification stuff until I'm done torrenting because I get weird file errors if I do them with torrent prog running.
  4. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
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  5. pun

    pun MDL Senior Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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  6. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009

    No I'm not a girl 'or something' so you can skip the sarcasm, there was no need at all for that in your post, it didn't work. Neither am I going overboard.

    I provided honest feedback to zwaan123 on his thing and repeatedly asked him to not just continually blitz every thread with it as he has been doing. Considering the standard of his thing, did you ever consider what I could have said about it? Believe me I was tactful (very - incredibly) at all times. In view of how it's been accepted I won't be posting feedback of his thing anymore.

    I wish him well with his thing but would strongly recommend it is polished lots more before another post of it. No more from me on the subject.

    @pun - You have said your piece. Can we leave it here now plz, I love this forum and don't want to cop for a warning getting into a flame war with you or anyone else. You will note I'm out of the zwaan123 thing now.
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  7. pun

    pun MDL Senior Member

    Oct 19, 2013
    Sorry about the (unintended) sarcasm. Comes out of habit of dealing with idiots in other forums. No offence intended.

    I completely agree with every word you said there; I just didn't want to watch this disagreement turn into a big issue, but I guess that's moot now.

    <End rant>
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  8. symetricus

    symetricus MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2013
    Strange behavior of KMS server?

    Dear Gurus, Experts and all,

    The original WZT and the recent v6 KMS servers have an inconsistent behavior:
    Despite the system being identical, sometimes the server grants activation and sometimes not.

    The workaround is to wait a bit after the failure and retry the activation request repeat the procedure (steps 10 to 13 below) until activation is granted. Integrating such workaround in the activation tools would save a lot of trouble.

    You will better understand the issue by trying the following:
    (apologies for any mistakes –wrote this off the top of the head--)

    1) Create a new virtual machine (preferably VirtualBox). Set the network adapter to internal (no network connection).

    2) Make an “ultra clean” Windows 8.1 installation. Choose custom install and switch all options off (automatic update and all what follows). Create the necessary local account and let the installation finish.

    3) Enable the Administrator account and sign out. Sign in to Administrator, and delete the original local account and user. Then disable the Ethernet adapter.

    4) Create an ISO file containing the KMS server, TAP adapter drivers, TunMirror and a text file with the KMS PID 55041-00206-152-RANDOM-03-1033-9200.0000-3002013 (set RANDOM to your preference).

    5) Mount the ISO file to the virtual machine and copy the above files to the desktop. Then unmount the ISO.

    6) Shut down the virtual machine. Now you have an “ultra clean” installation for use as “golden reference”.

    7) Disconnect the virtual disk from the virtual machine, rename the disk it to xxx_ORIGINAL or something, and make the file read-only, just to avoid confusion.

    8) Clone the original virtual disk and connect the clone disk to the virtual machine.

    9) Start the virtual machine. Disable all firewalls and install the TAP adapter. Set the IP address to and the mask to

    10) Open a command window and start TunMirror. Leave this window open.

    11) Open a new command window and start the KMS server. Leave this windows open.

    12) Open a third command window and set the KMS server to Then issue the activation command.

    13) Now comes the interesting part:
    Sometimes the activation succeeds immediately.
    But sometimes it fails: if you see the KMS server window, the activation request has not reached (or the KMS server has not reacted) to the activation request.

    14) When the first activation fails, close TunMirror and KMS. wait a bit (say 15 seconds), restrart TunMirror and KMS, and send the activation request again. Most of the time, the second attempt just works. But sometimes the KMS server gets stubborn and will not activate no matter what.

    15) And this is even more interesting:
    Shut down the virtual machine, disconnect the virtual disk and delete it, clone a new disk and connect.
    Start the virtual machine again and follow the above activation procedure.
    Despite the virtual hardware and system being (in principle) identical, the KMS server does not necessarily behave the same way.
    For example: the first clone system activates at once, the second clone fails the first attempt but succeeds at the second.

    Hope you can replicate the above procedure and confirm the KMS server issue. Maybe it is not the server after all, but something else.

    Bottom line: the activation tools should incorporate a routine by which, if the activation fails at once, TunMirror and KMS are restarted, and the whole activation request procedure is repeated few times with a certain delay between retries.

    Best regards.

    PS: I will be unable to reply immediately to your comments, at least for the coming weeks.

    Update 23Nov: Further activation runs seem to indicate that the erratic behavior of KMS v6 is caused by TunMirror not redirecting the activation requests to the server.

    The runs also show that the best strategies so far to overcome the erratic TunMirror-KMS interplay iare either launch and keep opened the Network Connections panel before issuing the activation request, or to start TunMirror and KMS with high priority. Retrying the activation procedure is still the third best strategy, especially if the two other are impracticable or inconvenient.
  9. pun

    pun MDL Senior Member

    Oct 19, 2013
    This could come in useful. Haven't faced any of these issues yet but still. :)
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  10. Atari800XL

    Atari800XL MDL Expert

    Apr 3, 2011
    Uhm, that's too bad, you started an interesting subject, but you won't reply... That's a bit strange... (like me calling my grandma, and saying: "I'll do the talking, you just listen!").
    But I guess you have a point, my first tests with the KMS_VL_ALL stuff also had some strange behaviour sometimes, at least on a (slower) laptop I tested on. But after some extra delays and check were added, I haven't had any problems anymore (only thing I notice is that sometimes the watermark's still there on a new install, even though activation is OK - the watermark is gone after a reset).
    I guess it probably comes down to the same thing: *somewhere* there's *something* waiting for *something* to happen, maybe *somebody* knows about yet more checks that can be built in. Now that AIO's are available with KMS_VL_ALL in it, more reactions like yours will pop up, and we can see what is needed to resolve it...
  11. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    Yes odd that you won't be able to reply. I assume a few will now watch with interest what the coders/developers have to say about your post.
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  12. throbber

    throbber MDL Addicted

    Mar 13, 2008
    do i put this folder in the sources to auto activate??
  13. Atari800XL

    Atari800XL MDL Expert

    Apr 3, 2011
    Well, not in the "sources" folder, but "inside" the install.wim (which is in the sources folder). You have to use dism.exe, do you know how? You made 448 posts, so I guess you do (or at least can search for how to do it). You can always ask if you're stuck.
  14. Hackministrator

    Hackministrator MDL Novice

    Aug 23, 2009
    KMS_VL_ALL_6.0.3 (about enabled windows firewall)

    KMS_VL_ALL activate Windows Firewall after complete.

    Some people doesn't use the windows Firewall, so it's disabled.

    Is it possible to modify the script to check if Firewall is enabled when starting KMS and don't enable it after activation if it wasn't enabled before using KMS?

    Sorry for my bad english.
  15. arc-us

    arc-us MDL Novice

    Sep 30, 2010
    Don't worry about it. You're doing fine with your efforts, and your willingness to learn the ropes and posting protocol here is appreciated. Don't get discouraged.
  16. arc-us

    arc-us MDL Novice

    Sep 30, 2010
    I agree, thanks for posting. It gets a little tiresome <sigh> to continually have to comment-out or remove lines having to do with Windows Firewall and/or Defender from the otherwise great scripts and their updated revisions.
  17. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
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