i want to activate WINDOWS.8.1.EMBEDDED.INDUSTRY.Enterprise.RTM.X86.ENGLISH anyone , have any key for activae or Activator ?
Yesterday, tunmirror was OK after 3 minutes. I started the same activation several times today (sometimes after a reboot) and every timetunmirror was OK after about 6 seconds... The value of MediaStatus was 0. Crazy!
What ever script you are using add these line to script after TAP install Command.... Code: devcon.exe install %Path%\OemWin2k.inf tap0901 (After this) reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005 /v MediaStatus /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f %path%\devcon.exe restart tap0901 Edit:- Run as administrator....
The reply form Nucleus above is perfect, but if you still cannot understand, ask either Nucleus or myself and we will help you.
{4d... value is hard coded in oemwin2k.inf file... Code: [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" CatalogFile = tap0901.cat ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %Provider% Class = Net And under different 8.1 setups 0005 was default key.....
Guys I have a question if I run this line for installing TAP driver: Code: devcon.exe install OemWin2k.inf tap0901 How can I make sure the driver's name is : "Local Area Connection"
you can't be sure this name, if its already in use..... "Local Area Connection" is connection name & if this name will in use then system will assign it name like "Local Area Connection 2", "Local Area Connection 3"........ Hope you run it(both commands) as administrator....
I rename my TAP-Windows Adapter V9, using this cmd in Command Prompt (Admin). Code: netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" newname="TAP-Windows Adapter V9" If you want Local Area Connection, Just replace -> What ever this is called <- with the real name. Code: netsh interface set interface name="What ever this is called" newname="Local Area Connection" View attachment 25497
If the name is already used by another Adapter, change that name first to some thing else. Then use Local Area Connection name for your TAP-Windows Adapter V9 (Adapter).
KMSAuto Net v1.0.5 How to set for automatically reactivate Windows 8.1 Pro & Office 2013 every 25 days?
Copy KMSAuto Net v1.0.5 Portable EN Folder to C:\Windows KMSAuto Net (Run as Administrator) Select System, IF KMS-host Service is installed, Select Delete KMS-host Service, Then Select Create Task All done.