Nucleus: Please, reupload: KMS_VL_ALL_6.0.4b Size: 388 KB (397,763 bytes) MD5 : 0c8ab6678e3dbf8ccd7bb07a396a5aa8
Excuse me guys, I activated 8.1 many many days ago, with KMSPico. It's all OK, 180 days. After I read of KMSMicro, and others... So, what's the working and easy tool to activate 8.1 with kms at this moment ??
Thanks to mikmik38, qad, CODYQX4, deagles, abbodi1406, rrohela, kelorgo, murphy78, Nucleus, heldigard, Hotbird64, Coldzero, Faikee, Ratiborus, Mister X and all others who are working on KMS v6 for their efforts. Many thanks. And a big thanks to MDL.
after kms activation update.exe stops working Hi everyone, I activated 8.1 abd Office 2013 with kms auto easy (a million thanks to its creator and all you guys who are working on/sharing this stuff). But since then update.exe has stopped working - I get an appcrash error message on boot up and periodically throughout the day. Is there any way to cure this without having to re-install/reactivate everything?