The new FakeClient.exe method. I know the dll dependency is being looked at, but is there any script update - it working while disconnected?
As usual Mr. Murphy, another excellent job. I would make one change though and place all the remote ip,s to be stricken in the same firewall rule using commas to separate the remote ip's. It would make for just one rule and be a little cleaner. Again excellent work and that it does! Edit: Bug in Auto_KMS_VL_All.exe No check is made to determine if the Firewall rule exists, so it makes another one. If run as a daily task, this won't work. Also, same is true running KMS_VL_ALL.cmd and verbose version.
Unfortunately, WinDivert is causing BSOD in my system, so i cann't even test the new method i have to create vm to test it Edit: vm test: connected -> success disconnected (with "ping %kmsip%" loop check) -> fail then i got BSOD in the third and fourth time so it seems that WinDivert is not stable or reliable enough to replace tap-tun.. just saying and since it's technically a driver like tap adapter, i'll wait for some improvement before we count on it as activation workout
It was as polite as you were in your post - you posted in red (but not bold print), didn't you? Anyway, I will not insult you by calling you a "fool" and I will not waste any more of my time on communicating with such a person. Consider this 'conversation' over. You will never hear from me again.
It is causing a BSOD on my VM testing. I thought it was just the VM though... I wonder if the 1.1.0 RC fixes some of those issues...
@ murphy78 I tested it and working with wifi on and off thanks tested on real machine, windows 8.1 enterprise x64
@ murphy78 I tested it and working with wifi on and off thanks tested on real machine, windows 8.1 Pro x64