I tried the $OEM$ on VMware 10 just now. It popped up GUI dialog, and failed in activating my Windows. By logout/login, it activated Windows then.
This may sound like a dumb question. Indulge me please. What advantage does Cody's MTK offer over abbodi's KMS_VL_ALL? abbodi's tool is smaller, also just as easy to use. It handles the task just as well. Or am I missing something? (No offence intended to anyone, I was just curious.)
The thoughts of abbodi's tool have been in my head for a long time. MTK seems to be struggling right now, and abbodi1406 has the sweetest little tool I have met yet. btw. No offence to any party either!
I don't think that both are comparable. its just a matter of preference that what to use GUI or script? Once final MTK will be out more will love to use it....
Thanks for the info. Tested today for Office 2013 32 Bits. Activation OK using Tap. PS : same test aborted with Beta 1
Agreed. CODYQX4 is EXCELLENT at integrating the latest activation methods. Just because he don't knock it out of the park with the first swing doesn't mean that he won't get it right. A lot of the code in his project was custom made for C# Even if it wasn't, most of the rest of us took like 10 tries to get as decent as we have things right now, and we still have things wrong in some areas. The main advantage CODYQX4 has over this scripting stuff is that if a program isn't behaving correctly, he can modify it. We, on the other hand, have to half-ass it with timeout commands and task kills and sc stop/delete stuff. 3 Cheers to CODYQX4 and looking forward to MTK 2.5 stable!
Had been contemplating a post asking if you were working on anything based around the WinDivert method, you keep your cards close to your chest don't you! Naming is a possibly confusing mate. Possibly rename/add something to distinguish the WinDivert one? Thanks for your new releases. Edit: Nice... This WinDivert method is quick... Edit: Concentrating on the new WinDivert method here. Ran script 1-KMS_VL_ALL_verbose (personal fave, I like to see something is happening) many times while connected and disconnected, also removed keys for some of those test runs, worked flawlessly every time. I use third party firewall (Eset) so obviously allowed KMSClient and KMS Server. Ran a minimum of five times connected/five times disconnected. Success every time. Once again, very well done abbodi1406 abbodi1406 Edit: AKV.exe/AKS.exe - Sorry. Removed findings, need more time to test properly. Testing Scheduled task...
WinDivert is Problematic (BSOD) for windows 8.1 x86 in general anyway. That is why i didn't put it together for windows 8.1 x86, Best to stay with windows 8.1 x64, No Problems. Run the "Activation.bat" with elevated privileges via Scheduled Task, Yes i know but its not the same. My Actication.exe as service is working with NO Problems what so ever. ace2 .
This is a half truth It works because WinDivert NEVER uninstall. Just uninstall Activate. The core service Windivert still installed. I mean, this is not completely true uninstallation.
FakeClient.exe will not work for anyone, without WinDivert . This will uninstall WinDivert for you sc stop windivert1.0 >nul sc stop windivert1.1 >nul sc delete windivert1.0 >nul sc delete windivert1.1 >nul ace2 .