Tell me should i update it with the files you posted? FakeClient.rar Because if that is the right one its easy to change it
Iam programming and compiling on windows now, its new for me but i came up with the dashboard i recompiled the kms server but there is not much difference. the fake client gives me an error for the moment
@abbodi1406 KMS_VL_ALL - Smart Activation Script is now my favourite Activation Tool for Win_8.1 It activates very fast and without any errors. You are brilliant my brother! LOVE YOUR WORK!!! RESPECT!!!
Run this in admin cmd to see if it has "KMS channel" license in the first place, then we can search for its key Code: wmic Path SoftwareLicensingProduct Get /all >"%userprofile%\Desktop\SoftwareLicensingProduct.txt"
KMSAuto Net v0.0.4.test Portable EN Changelog: v0.0.4.test -Program requires .NET Framework 4.5 again, as per users request. -Dialog to change the product key appears only once per session with the program. -When the scheduled task executes, the KMS-Service is no longer removed from the system, if it was installed the first time. -New added NoAuto option to disable automatic loading KMS-Service during activation. Hence, if NoAuto then full NoAuto. -In Auto mode when the configuration switch is added, the analysis of the system will always begin from the start position, and not from the previously stored. This is convenient if the program is run on different computers. -Before activating the system editon is defined and if it is 8.1 then the classic way of local host activation is excluded. -Added a second type of TAP adapter to resolve the conflict with the already established TAP VPN. -WinDivert v1.1 has been applied, so not "incidents" result in BSOD on x86 systems. -Eliminate errors when in the file path a sign "&" (ampersand) is present.
No, Not really although there are cleaner way to replace SppExtComObj, but the concept of modifing system files is not pleasant let's wait and see if the patch got developed to memory level without the need to replace any file
I used MS Toolkit V2.5 Beta-4 only for office 2013 (my win 8.1 is OEM authorized) but have a question now. When I booted my notebook, Comodo HIPS showed pop-ups that AutoKMS.exe wanted to execute some files, such as werfault.exe, netsh.exe, cmd.exe or conhost.exe. AutoKMS.exe is under C:\\Windows\AutoKMS\, and the other .exe files are under C:\\Windows\system32. Since only using the toolkit to activate office 2013, I wonder if it's safe that those "system32" files were executed by AutoKMS. So far I didn't see any weird in/outbound connections and programs in Comodo. Can that mean those "system32" files aren't related to trojan? The toolkit is great but I just need to clear my doubt. Many thanks for WildByDesign's efforts on the toolkit.