That's correct! and the reason is that the program detects it self if something is permanent activated so that's why one activate button.
Re KmsDashboard : If possible, could you indicate if the service and/or emulator is already running (or not) ? One doubt : If the user has installed a firewall, what does he need to do ? Thanks, nice convinient prog.
I can look in to that, but if the service is installed its running and for the firewall you don't have to do anything if it's windows firewall
OK, it would be more 'user friendly' thats all. For eg, if the service is already running the only option should be "Stop service" and the other way round. What if the user has a 3rd party firewall ? I'm only interested in activation of one PC where Dashboard is run from.
@zwaan123 Thanks for KMSDashboard. I have made few modification to cmd files to have custom pid values for my personal usage. please review if these are alright. KMSPID values posted are fake will replace real later. start.cmd REM set epid=RandomKMSPID set wpid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set opid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set o3pid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 changed cmd /c start /b /high "" "%~dp0KMS-HGM.exe" %port% Windows=%wpid% Office2010=%opid% Office2013=%o3pid% %AI% %RI% KillProcessOnPort 2>&1 startkms.cmd REM set epid=RandomKMSPID set wpid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set opid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set o3pid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 cmd /c start /b /high "" "KMS-HGM.exe" %port% Windows=%wpid% Office2010=%opid% Office2013=%o3pid% %AI% %RI% KillProcessOnPort >nul 2>&1 Service.cmd set wpid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set opid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set o3pid=11111-11111-000-22222-03-1033-9600.0000-0052014 set randpid="0" add after reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KMS\Parameters" /f /v "RenewalInterval" /d %RenewalInterval% /t "REG_DWORD" >nul 2>&1 below 3 lines reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KMS\Parameters" /f /v "RandomPID" /d %randpid% /t "REG_DWORD" >nul 2>&1 reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KMS\Parameters" /f /v "Windows" /d %wpid% /t "REG_SZ" >nul 2>&1 reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KMS\Parameters" /f /v "Office2013" /d %o3pid% /t "REG_SZ" >nul 2>&1 reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KMS\Parameters" /f /v "Office2010" /d %opid% /t "REG_SZ" >nul 2>&1
Sorry, seems i was using a fubar VMware machine, because my production server are able to activate with 2.0.4, and not with version 2.0.5, which is using "Windivert". i dont know if there was any errors in version 2.0.4, or it was my stupid vmware image.
Hello, I´m new to this forum, I´ve Windows 8.1 Professional, and I cannot activate it, I´ve tried everything, but nothing can activate it Can someone help me to activate it? Thanks in Advance View attachment 26470
Hello and thanks for Replying I cant activate it with the toolkit, it gives me this message: <No installed product keys detected>
I´m using Windows 8.1 Professional I´ve already tried with KMSpico, but I cant install it correctly, because it never tells me to add a device to the network (or something like that) and the progress bar freeezes at the end, I´ve been waiting over an hour (in the video its almost instantly) and if i open the program it only shows Office´s Icon, not Windows. View attachment 26471
Office 2013 activation, is it permant or i need to rerun this after each 180 days? my question is just about the Office 2013, thank you guys
There is a error! but its also in 2.0.5 ia'm working to solve it! If service is turned on then you get a activation error