I havent been able to activate Office 2013 on win7 ultimate using MTK. Ive downloaded your script but it froze, i disabled echo off and ran it. It freezes at the line "for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %sps% get version /format:list" 2^>nul') do set ver=%%A" Any idea whats going on and how to fix it? I have just uninstalled my old version of Office and installed a VL one i downloaded from forum, not working anyway... Thanks in advance Thanks in advance
I downloaded KMS_VL_ALL_6.0.2.zip. Runned KMS_VL_ALL.cmd. I now have 180 days AND Office 2013 is activated. View attachment 27870 Do I have to run KMS_VL_ALL.cmd every 180 day to keep it alive?
Thanks! I have used MTK, and that works perfectly! But I want to be abele to activate using a "command" like in Unattended. Haven't found out how to do that with MTK, do you know how to?
MTK from v2.5.1 knows this: Code: 2.5.1 -Added Channel Switching of Microsoft Office 2013 SP1 pure edition (SP1 not in Updates folder). -Allow AutoKMS to use EZ-Activator routines using command-line parameters (AutoKMS.exe /EZActivator). -Fixed Show CMID not working due to being located in 1 of 2 different WMI SPP providers depending on OS. -Fixed Show Unlicensed display never showing if you have no keys installed. -Improved Channel Switcher unsupported detection. But not sure in that case whether it will activate Office only or Windows likewise .
Dont seem to work. When I enter "Microsoft Toolkit" /EZActivator , it only starts MTK. I want to ; 1. install Office 2013 unattended -->Ok 2. Run a command that activate Office unattended-->
When you use EZ-Activator it installs AutoKMS (along with a task schedule) which will run on every boot / 24 hours. So, your activation goes unattended
Install AutoKMS in MTK, copy C:\Windows\AutoKMS\AutoKMS.exe to any other location (you can uninstall afterwards). Use the copied AutoKMS.exe with the given /EZActivator switch .
View attachment 27890 It seems that this picture will not go away befor I hoover the mouse pointer over it? Is this correct?
CODY has done it like Daz for his loader, nice. Yep, afaik it should act like this . Is to prevent the tools from being abused.
You might check out KMSpico from KMS Tools Section of the forums (although i'm not sure last version has an $OEM$ folder as the old ones had ). Or use KMS_VL_ALL toghether with a script to activate at firstlogon stage.