From what I can tell based on the picture, the server could not be reached. Ergo, the KMS is offline. No activation right away; you just missed the deadline by so much. In case that wasn't clear, here's a little explanation about KMS, since you seem to think KMS and host are two separate entities. A KMS, or Key Management Server, is used by Windows to activate itself periodically. It is also called a host (not what you use- these are typically company servers which most of us will never see, let alone use), and the systems contacting it about activation are called clients (yeah, you use a client). If a KMS could not be contacted, it means the host server (where the key management service is hosted) is offline. You can do nothing to solve this issue except pray and be faster next time. Such servers are opened (usually) accidentally and are closed within a maximum of three days.
As what you have mentioned earlier I've got that error. Please see attachment. View attachment 24822 Thank you for being so kind to explain such a long paragraph. I appreciate that a lot.
View attachment 24824 I have just tried and not working for me - hopefully just a school boy error?? thanks
The host you're talking about and the host Nucleus is talking about are different. The IP you pinged will respond since it's doing nothing more than forwarding packets. Of course it will respond!
Schoolboy error? Well, you tell us. This trick only allows you to activate Enterprise. You're using Pro.
if you have entered a generic VL key during setup it can be activated by KMS but your screen shot says pro only so you are not on the volume channel