that's what I thought I guess everyone will like do the easy authentic way with command line ... so after all I don't need this program right !!!! just need KMS server details to connect ....
Yeah. Also, if I'm not wrong, this application also does the job of backing up/restoring activation, as well as a service that runs that command periodically, silently. Most useful for forgetful and lazy people.
you can download the win8.1 Pro or Ent... actually, if u want to crack windows, why use the N-edition?
Confirmed to Activate using the above KMS URL by modifying the Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform: "KeyManagementServiceName" Then Re-running KMSpico. Don't know if this is the correct method of changing the KMS server lookup for KMSpico but worked for me.
Try this Code: [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("c2h1cmUgeW91IGNhbg=="))
I have a question can I install win8.1 enterprise and activate it with kmspico or is there other activator right now ?