Heldi who has key? With in 2\3 days they will block this key, i guess it not hard for M$ to know what key used on that....
Make sure that port 1688 is not in use.... OR try removing KMS host using slmgr /ckms or from registry....
This KMSmicro 5.0.0 needs to be refined a bit. I bet the vpn parts with bridging could probably be done with some sort of parsing and netsh commands The part where you rename the vpn connection to tap1 and then bridge the 2 connections is a bit much for most people. hook us up heldigard! I know you can do it
it's quite obvious that Ratiborus uses VMware to make the original VHD/VMDK and than converts to ROM for Qemu. if you want to use the tokens you have to install WES7 with it's key than enter all of the CSVLK for each host, then it will activate. exactly like the WES7host from 100 & Freestyler had been reconstructed from the tokens it used. the tokens along with the correct CSVLK will offline activate. the kmsmicroV5 tokens are for VMware and WES7 so of course it won't work in Vbox and especially on a Windows 7 install. I have no interest to play with the product nor duplicate it in a VM ...... others i'm sure will build on it. i'm sorry my post was obfusticated.