I've given a few hours' gap and since these activations are issued based on seconds, there are sufficient seconds in between to prove my point. Not sufficient?
Making progress... View attachment 24927 The significance of this image: I managed to transfer the Win 8.1 CSVLK tokens and product key out of KMSmicro and into a fresh Windows 7 Professional VM in VMWare. As you can see, it is not in an activated state yet, but that will come. For now, the procedure was very complicated and technical, and involved a lot of experimenting. I hope to simplify it, eliminate unnecessary steps and write a clean set of instructions later.
MS is quite aware that KMS is the easiest and weakest way of protecting their software, once it has been overcome, it will be used by 90 % of users of windows, hence making it harder
Hey I can find the 55c92734-... only in SoftwareProtectionPlatform/GenuineApps I try to delete it from that location but says canot delete.
Guys, I stand (partly) corrected. I set the time forward ten days, and my PC went bats**t insane. It nagged me to activate, pages refused to load, and my PC began to act like a total idiot. And yes, MTK refused to activate when I did this. I changed the time back to the present, all was fixed. But activation is still good. F**k, this is really getting on my nerves!
You are wasting your time, as of date MTK is not capable of activating 8.1. As told you in first reply...
F**k it, I give up. Heck, my Win 8.1 and Office 13 are activated and running smoothly, why bother with all this right?
My guess is you don't have the time set-up correctly on either the KMS server or machine you are activating. A difference of more than 1.5 hours will cause this error.
Dear Pun, Kindly use good language in the forum. The forum consists of high level standard people. You may be angry for something but please do not use foul languages. Sorry if by any means I have provoked you. Hope all the members supports this. Regards, Manu