Triad: 1. Remove activation 2. Blacklist 3. Drag to court and squeeze another few G's of $$$$ from wallet. Optionally, lather, rinse and repeat.
This works for KMS ONLY. If you have a legit retail key then you don't need this program, and if you want a legit retail key, then you won't get it here. Did that simplify it?
Hepl me When KMSELDI.exe run oly show icon office not show icon win 8???(Win 8.1 RTM Professional Retail)
Better hurry before the server closes down. Unless you're Superman, in which case, please please please turn back time to two hours ago so I can activate again.
Nobody has answered my question, given the KMS host doesn't report to MS the number of activations done, how does Microsoft control the licenses given to an organization, which is linked to a KMS server?
depends on how fast the system decides to refresh, so I've noticed anyway. At the speed win8 can reboot, not much of an issue either way.
My best guess is that they don't. You probably get a 25-machine license (for instance) and they would carry out an audit whenever they pleased. Any attempts to trick them by installing on more than 25 systems (in this case) would probably land the organization in some deeeep s**t. Again, just guessing based on what I've read/heard from various sources.
This online server will probably have thousands of activations now, I don't get it, you can subscribe for 25 licenses and deliver thousands, I though as I said previously, if the server had a log on the total number of activations, it would be enormously expensive
Don't you see that everybody here is so happy? Why do you want to ruin the fun with questions like this?
has as do configuration manualy for 30 days on autopico(originally he come configurated for 24hrs self-activation)?
I see Microsoft is very flexible with KMS Activations, and it only charges for 25 machines, making unlimited for the number of computers it can activate at one time based on that KMS server, the question is why is so harsh on retail sales and one key per computer and makes it so easy on volume ones, I guess that's good for us also
Worked for me , thanks a million ... Windows 8.1 9600 Enterprise x86 ( 180 Days ) - OK Office Professional Plus 2013-32bit - OK