would it be possible to convert the kmsmicro.rom into a vmware vmdk that could be used with vmware player? would we need to know the system uuid of the qemu rom first or would that even matter or would a vm platform change break the activation of the kms server? ~MC
I remember with previous version of the wes7 images that were made when win8 first came out and just before mtk was able to emulate kms v5 you had to use the correct uuid or something like that or activation was broken when server would boot. thats why I was thinking that if maybe you could migrate the uuid from qemu to a new vmware image and get nic drivers then there might be options. but then again might not be worth the headaches since the qemu version does work. just me trying to reinvent the wheel.
I tried it but stuck at NIC drivers and i think because of this its not active, even am i using qemu UUID & MAC....
what about the wes studio manager? I played with it awhile back when the first wes7 image for win8 popped up. I know you can add drivers from inside it I think but might take some playing with. Either way not sure of the overall benefit of using vmware or virtualbox vs qemu other than overall speed. after all you really only need to run the kms server every 180 days for self activation. not too mention im sure that the group working on decoding kms v6 will get it working and piped into mtk here soon.
Setting time zone on KMSMICRO... For those who are struggling with KMSMicro time zone settings.... 1. Choose option Z from options , press enter & at next screen again choose Z & enter... 2. Next it will show 25 options & if any of that match to your location choose that & enter, this will shutdown VM & you need to restart it again by clicking "Run KmsMicro Console" After restart VM time will be same as your host PC.... If your time zone is not part of those 25 options & you want to set time according to your country not region. 1. At option prompt type CMD & this bring standard command console. 2. run command "tzutil /s "India standard time" to set your time zone.. (run tzutil /l to find your zone ID or display name & replace that above) 3. restart VM & after that VM time will always in sync with host time....
This is exactly what we all need here. A clean virtual machine image. This is what Ratiborus should have gave to people in the first place.
@Mister X You are the official KMSMicro English translator, right? Could you tell Ratiborus to create a KMS host VM (VMWare) and upload tokens so we can use them to recreate that server?
Guys, just in case..............Ratiborus latest KMS 501 DOES NOT activate WIN 2012 R 2................that is what is being said................ Anyone can confirm/deny this? Danke !
This exercise is one I am struggling through as well. As much as a learning exercise as to get to a goal of a clean VM image.