Don't worry about that as long as your PC is set to the correct time zone. Try activating first and then let's see what happens.
aha and i'll set it to Russia right? said enter the new time... there's more than one russia time what to put?
Another thing you can do is, because KMSmicro defaults to Moscow, so set your machine to Moscow time zone(UTC+4) in Control Panel, then you don't need to do anything with the console. After activation set it back to your local time zone.
Retail: you go and buy from shop or online, and you will be given a product key to activate office. Volume: you cannot buy it and will give it to you by your organisation (universities & governments & big companies etc..) and must be activated against their server.
qemu-system-x86_64.exe -vga cirrus -serial none -parallel none -display sdl -smbios type=1,manufacturer=Intel,version=1.01234,uuid=564d81c6-cd3a-d8e4-db29-756df139acb9 -uuid 564d81c6-cd3a-d8e4-db29-756df139acb9 -m 512 -hda Bios\KMSmicro.rom -name "KMSmicro Console IP-" -M pc -L Bios -net nic,macaddr=00:11:22:33:44:03,vlan=1 -net user,vlan=0 -redir tcp:1688::1688 -rtc base=localtime,clock=host -nodefconfig -no-user-config -no-hpet -no-fd-bootchk -no-quit which paramter with tap1?