You mean if they are similar to genuine one? yes they look valid to me although, Windows81 & 2012R2 date (latest part) should be 2013, but it's good enough
Thanks, Also got the logging back up and running. Loving it. Thanks for all the hard work guys, much appreciated
A year ago I followed a guide to make my own KMS-server on Windows Server 2012. Does someone make this for Windows Server 2012 R2, To activate 2012R2, Windows 8.1 and below? h t t p ://
Right now no, this is cause the key and other things MS can track to the owner is being locked up (hence the password on the KMSlite VM image). If another person comes out there with a key they dont mind getting blocked, then yes, maybe. but for now just use the emulato, works perfectly r
Ok guys, hello, I'm new. I can follow clear directions and have unlocked many a program with cracks and various other methods, but I read through these forums and end up with a raging headache. I have already done a clean install and activated Windows 8.1, and now I want to install and activate Office 2013. Is there anyone patient and kind enough to direct me to my best chance method with clear instructions for doing so? I will be eternally grateful. If I'm posting this on the wrong thread please excuse me! Thanks in advance. Oh I should mention that before I reinstalled 8.1 I tried various kms methods for activating Office and all failed with the error that a kms server could not be found.
TAP adapter is installed until you run the uninstall script. You cannot uninstall it and re-install it multiple times while the tapmirror service is running. You'd have to stop the service, uninstall the tap adapter, re-install the tap adapter, and restart the service HGM server is just hotbird64's build of the server service. I'll see if I can re-make the $oem$ folder today with the jean phile version. @garbellano It's not my personal choice to use .net 4.5. that's just what the tunmirror requires. If I could re-program it in c++ with no dependencies, I totally would.
Code: for /f "tokens=4 delims=[] " %%G in ('ver') do set winnum=%%G if %winnum% LSS 6.3.9600 set /a notap=1 or: Code: for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G if %winbuild% LSS 9600 set /a notap=1 then: Code: if defined notap goto :skip or: Code: if %notap% equ 1 goto :skip
I only need to activate 'Office 2013' on Windows 8.1, which is already activated. What is the best way to do that? I do not want to mess up my Windows 8.1 activation. Reading through so many posts is confusing.
hello i use KMSpico v9.0.3.20131026_Beta Edition windows 8.1 works great but i need activate to office 2013 i go to C:\Program Files\KMSpico but i get error "not online server found" I need to upgrade to version KMSpico v9.0.5.20131110 RC Edition? How do I update it? Sorry about the language