Quick feedback A friend of mine has faced same problem as Nucleus (No KMS Server can be contacted when offline) but this one works perfectly for him. Don't have a PC right now so I can't mess up with the new script to see the actual 'fix'.
First off, sorry for the delay, been busy. And thanks for your support with this, as you can see by now it's become the fave of quite a few - well done. Anyway my feedback... Connection Disabled - Added KMS_VL_ALL_verbose4.cmd to the 6.0.2 release and ran as admin, gravy all the way, everything fine, Tap adapter created, Server started, Win 8.1 and Office 2013 activated, Tap adapter removed - perfect. You changed something in the script? Don't know whether this is relevant - you'll know if it is or not. Still disconnected - If I run KMS_VL_ALL_verbose4.cmd a second time it fails 'No KMS Server can be contacted' - something (temporary) being left behind from the first run? But if I reboot and run it again - gravy all the way. This may be right I don't know, as mentioned you'll have to advise. Should it work if run repeatedly - testing of course? Can/does your pal verify the above scenario? Run it a second time and 'No KMS sever can be contacted'? Edit: @abbodi1406 - Resolved the running it multiple times thing myself - yes you should be able to? Disconnected - Tested with v6.0.1, ran both scripts several times and they worked flawlessly every time.
Further to my initial comment about the silent operation... Once the penny dropped and I realised how useful this may prove - I now see the good of it. Thank you.
It's definitely possible. We could emulate the activation renewal sort-of by doing a SKU detection and somehow parsing the time left on the activation, but there's just so much that can go wrong with something like that. Sometimes simplicity is better than un-necessary complexity.
Yep. I just remove my tap-adapter, disconnect internet, and the activation operation was successful three times. besides, why would anyone run the script repeatedly too fast if one successful time is good enough? if you gonna run it repeatedly, you better install tap-adapter so it can be kept installed with no issues and remember, the script isn't perfect, it's just human
Thanks for the tip but i already removed "ping -n 2 %kmsip%", using "ping -n 2 localhost" and "timeout" is better
tap0901.cer removes the hardware install nag screen you get the first time the driver is installed. It would not affect subsequent installs.
At first the problem was resolved using V3. abbodi1406 quickly uploaded V4 and he downloaded it. Ran it multiple times ~ no issues so far.
Becuase I like fiddling! So to resolve the issue I'll rename the original KMS_VL_ALL_verbose.cmd from the 6.0.2 release and replace it with the KMS_VL_ALL_verbose4.cmd you just posted. Thanks for this again. Gravy all the way now.
Perfect. I, too, had the issue where it ran fine on my physical machine (no VM) while my ethernet cable was plugged in but not if the cable was unplugged. This version with the Wait and Timeout lines fixed it for me - or perhaps it was the change to pinging LocalHost vs %kmsip%; regardless, this one did the trick. Really a great scripting product you've come up with. Many, many thanks.
Again, just in time for more testing. Thanks abbodi1406 and murphy78 for all the extra tweaks and tricks!! Murhpy, are you planning on incorporating this into your $oem$ folder project? Or does this SFX replace it? I really only have two major OS install steps: (1) The actual Windows install (from USB, using Win8PESE and JFX's WinNTSetup), completely unattended etc (2) PostInstall (with dozens of tools, settings, etc. etc., silent as well, of course). With Windows 8 (thanks to your oem folder), it is auto-activated in step (1), but if it turns out that activation is more reliable with your new "silent SFX" after setup (when the system has settled down a bit), I could just as easily switch it to "phase 2". Oh, and this: The Daily-Activate-Task of the new SFX, it goes through the whole cycle of install/ remove Tap/Tun, etc., right? While the $oem$ folder just keeps the Tap adapter installed all the time? So the latter would be a bit faster and maybe more reliable on older systems? (ie. better for "silent re-activation" after 30 days or so). EDIT: Tested the new "high priority v2" on the slow laptop (TrueImage restore of fresh 8.1ent), test 1: OK (I will test at least 3 times). EDIT2: Test 2: OK (timed at around 22 seconds). EDIT3: Test 3: OK (again, 22 seconds, after that the watermark disappears as well, nice!)
Spoiler Code: start /b cmd /c TunMirror.exe >nul 2>&1 ping -n 2 localhost >nul start /wait /b cmd /c "KMS Server.exe" %port% %epid% %AI% %RI% KillProcessOnPort >nul 2>&1 timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul 2>&1 "KMS Client.exe" %port% %kmsip% Windows81 >nul 2>&1
Sorry if this post in wrong topic, just quick question: I just download Wondows 8.1 Pro 32-Bit. Can I make upgrade on my existing version of Windows (Windows 8 Pro 32 Bit), or I must install clean instalation?