All good Code: LICENSE NAME: Office 15, OfficeProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 15, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel BETA EXPIRATION: 01/01/1601 LICENSE STATUS: ---LICENSED--- REMAINING GRACE: 179 days (259122 minute(s) before expiring) Last 5 characters of installed product key: ***** Activation Type Configuration: ALL DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available Activation Interval: 120 minutes Renewal Interval: 10080 minutes KMS host caching: Enabled
Yep, it works on Win 7. But why not go for Daz´ Loader or a modded BIOS? Note: some ePIDs of leaked KMS Servers are blacklisted, so use latest versions of Microsoft Toolkit by CODYQX4 or KMSpico by heldigard.
where are these ".bat" files you are talking about ? and the reg file where can I download that ?I have a kms server (government school) and a key but I get an error message when I activate office 2013 pro error: 0xc004f069 On a computer running Microsoft windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0xc004f069'
As you don´t quote the post you´re referring to, how to answer this? Question would be whether this KMS Server is capable to activate Office.
---Processing-------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Installed product key detected - attempting to activate the following product: Name: Office 15, OfficeProPlusR_Grace edition Description: Office 15, RETAIL(Grace) channel Family: OfficeProPlusR_Grace SKU ID: 1b686580-9fb1-4b88-bfba-eae7c0da31ad Last 5 characters of installed product key: 27GXM ERROR CODE: 0xC004F017 ERROR TEXT: The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not installed. <Product activation failed> ---------------------------------------- Can someone help me to activate my office? I am using the latest toolkit. Thanks,
You can try "Change Channel" option of MTK to convert the installer. You´ll find it in "Customize Setup" Tab. Or use KMSpico (Download-Section of first link in my sig) to convert Retail to VL prior to activation. NOTE: there are new language versions of Office out there, which can´t be converted easily so far. CODY is working on this .
i try to change but i have this message - WARNING: Microsoft Office 15.0.4454.1000 is not supported. Channel Switcher has been disabled.
Means you have one of the new language versions, as said, CODY is working on that problem. Option would be to obtain english RTM (VL or convert Retail to VL) and install language pack. EDIT: Not shure whether KMSpico is able to convert .
First link in my signature . Scroll down OP to Download Section. KMSpico is the newest version. Install and it will run directly afterwards, in first attempt it will start automatically. No need for any additional BAT/CMD files .