Does anyone else have a problem with KMS Micro 3.1 (and 3.0 for that matter) where starting it mostly results in a missing operating system error?
KMSmicro 3.10 Office charger Does anyone know if it is necessary to charge the KMSmicro 3.10 Office activation count? I read in the past that the activation count was generated randomly at start up and charging was no longer needed. Does anyone know of a script, or if charging is now unnecessary?
is it possible for a second activation before expiry of 180 days from first activation? I'm unable to do it for windows 8 now though.
Yes, you can do that..The point is, 180 days is the maximum time limit after which you have to activate it again.
3.1 doesn't need charging.When I started it for the first time it was 7 and after activating.2-3 machine it went up and now its 9.
Multiple downloads so I ruled that out. What's weird is that it'll throw that error and then randomly just work. It makes no sense.
Instead of batch file, you can use the office activation helper which is included in KMSV3.1 package, since i got error by trying batch file
you have to extract it for each different machine, if you extract it the first time then copy it to another machine it won't work, keep the zipped file you downloaded the first time for KMS Micro 3.0 and copy that to the new machine and unzip it there
Thanks for your reply. Have you read that information somewhere and, if so, could you point me to it please?
Sorry, Chris - having no probs running 3.1 here (host is 8 Pro x64 with WMC). I simply need to find a way to set a proper TZ (default is CAST/Central Asia Standard - I need to change it to UTC-5/EST/Eastern Standard w/DST option).
How Microsoft Office was activated has not ever been an issue - even after the discovery of the original KMS micro. The simple reason why it isn't an issue is because the client software doesn't say WHAT KMS option was used to activate it - all it will say is that it was activated via KMS. (That is, in fact, the beauty of KMS micro - to the clients, it looks like a full-fledged KMS server. It can actually be used in the place of a fully-authorized KMS server; in fact, I wouldn't doubt that such is, in fact, the case in some spread-out enterprises.) Just because a tool CAN be used for purposes of crookery does not mean that it can't be used for perfectly legal purposes.
Will this be like the activation used for Office 2010 That it auto activates as the system turns on So the user always as 180 days