OK. You did not use the GetPackages.cmd file that KUC creates for W8.1. This cmd is different to the GetPackages.cmd for W7. To identify the correct version in W8.1 the 1. line of the packages.txt must contain the version. If this line is missing KUC assumes a normal W8.1 installation. Here the correct code for W8.1: Code: @echo off echo Calling Dism to get file : C:\WU\packages.txt echo please wait dism /online /Get-CurrentEdition /English /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:"%~dp0DISM.log" | find /i "Current Edition : " >"C:\WU\packages.txt" dism /online /Get-Packages /Format:Table /English /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:"%~dp0DISM.log" >>"C:\WU\packages.txt" And her the one for W7: Code: @echo off echo Calling Dism to get file : c:\wu\packages.txt echo please wait dism /online /get-packages /format:table /English /loglevel:4 /LogPath:"%~dp0DISM.log" >"c:\wu\packages.txt"
Ok 3035017 will be added to SatisfyWU if RDP8.1 and RDP8.0 are not installed. Latest KUC(yesterday) for W7 has an or here but the and seems to be enough.
Thanks komm. The only reason why I do not let KUC create the packages.txt is because I use different names on different passes and KUC does not allow me to change the target name and path. If this were editable, that would be great.
Trying to use latest Win7 version: Code: Installing 2-LDR updates Installing updates: 1 .. 1 of 1 Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Image Version: 6.1.7601.22706 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB2386667_BF~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ Error: 0x800f081e The specified package is not applicable to this image. Code: I think KB2990184 is not compatible with my Win7 version. After reboot: "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer" I'm using Win7 x64 Home Premium. Thank you.
When I use the latest KUC (8.1) for online servicing, it offers KB2990967 and KB3021128. When I run it to update my offline wim, these two KBs are not offered for addition. Should these not be integrated offline? Can someone clarify?
adric: Both komm and Abbodi1406 have those two updates in the "not integratable" category in their lists. Abbodi has the following info in a text file with 2990967: "Do not integrate this update (online or offline) using dism.exe /Add-Package you must install this update online only using the .msu file directly either by double click it, or using command line, example: Windows8.1-KB2990967-x86.msu /quiet Windows8.1-KB2990967-x64.msu /quiet" Abbodi has this info for 3021128: "- This update is applicable only for systems that have OEM Office preloaded. - Do not integrate this update (online or offline) using dism.exe /Add-Package you must install this update online only using the .msu file directly."
I just found another bug on the last KUC for Win7 on a offline image: 2970228"""""Update""BF_2970228"" ""Windows6.1-KB2970228-x64.msu"" """" ""ADDLATER""You must install 2993651 first! """ KUC creates the Remove_OLD.bat in order to remove the update 2993651 before the 2970228 is actually integrated. Also about my previous post, the problem with the update KB2386667 not being applicable is fixed if you check the new option about "Windows X Updates", guess there is one update mandatory before you can integrate KB2386667.
I did not think of trying the search function since the not integratable folder did not show anything when viewing it. Seems like komm has restricted anyone from viewing the folder. Other folders are like this too, so I usually do not bother looking there anymore.
Yeah, looking in the folders won't show anything. The search function is the only way now to see exactly what category an update is in.