Can KUC download the Win7 updates, and them install them? Can it keep all the latest update in a folder to update offline?
Use the latest KUC W7 v. online & it requires for me to add KB2952664 GDR, so that it will not show on WU. But when I use WU, it did not show KB2952664 to be installed. I think, the reference package need to be updated.
It't ok. It depends what updater you use. If you use normal windows-update it will show it. If you use bypass+windows-update it will not show. For normal windows update the ESU updates work like preview updates. use /PREVIEW switch For bypass windows update the ESU updates work as non-preview updates. use /NOPREVIEW switch
Hello Komm This happens "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes." when I try to remove this package KB982018 with your program remove_OLD.cmd Thank's Pancho
First it has nothing to do with KUC. remove_old.cmd just calls windows functions. So if you try to remove the update under installed updates, you will normally get the same error. Since i do not know anything of you system, please send my your packages.txt per mail. You can find my address if you right click the program.
hi.. im getting error 1058 for kb2603229 & kb3184143 on update.cmd tried manual install and got the error pop up 0x80070422 it said service cannot be started, either it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. should i just skip it? i read that the 3184143 is just for removal of win 10 previous free upgrade. not sure about the first one though. any help would be appreaciated. thanks edit:: i have already succeeded in installing both kb but.. upon re running the update checker it says to remove. after remove, i rerun the checker it says to install. this repeats over and over again. the log says this. 2603229 "Installed" 4/4/2020 6:41 PM " " " " "REMOVE/FORCED" "Registry keys NOT set correctly! " "" "2603229" "" "Update" " " "" "Windows6.1-KB2603229-x64.msu" i tried manual install with update manual.exe as well as wusa still the update checker asking me to install then remove then install then remove. any idea whats causing this? it seems like its being superseeded but yet after removal the checker thinks that it needs it, therefore recommends to install. thanks again
@dvdliong 1. To make checking easier for me always send the packages.txt to my email 2. KB2603229 check the following registry entries: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOrganization HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOrganization HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOwner HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOwner Normally they should contain the same values. IF not KUC removes 2603229. Then KUC wants to reinstall KB2603229 (online only update). The installations of KB2603229 normally sets them equal. If installation of KB2603229 does not or can not set the values correctly KUC will remove the update again and so on. I can confirm, if i change the values manually KB2603229 will not correct the mistake. As workaround you must set the values yourself. RegisteredOrganization and RegisteredOwner must have the same values for both keys SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOrganization=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOrganization and SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOwner=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOwner (case sensitive) 3. KB3184143 and KB3035583. I don't see any problem with those. KB3035583 should be removed, KB3184143 installed. KB3184143 is an manual update, so it will be installed using WUSA. If it is already installed you get error 2359302. Installation of KB3184143 normally uninstalls KB3035583. If KB3184143 and KB3035583 are installed, KUC removes KB3184143 and then adds KB3184143 again. That may be the loop you run in. If KB3035583 is installed run the remove_old.cmd first, or try to remove KB3035583 via installed updates.
Hi Komm, thanks for reply. yes i saw that the 4 values were indeed different, once i set everything as instructed and went ahead with manual install everything is fine. however, i am curious as to why the log says "update missing but registry set correctly" and kuc doesnt need the installation of kb 2603229. thats why i proceed with the manual installation of kb2603229. thanks again for your assistance. for those who get errors on installation, make sure wuaserv is not disabled. kuc need wuaserv to be enabled ie(manual/automatic) in windows services. you can disable it again after everythings done
Yes, if SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOrganization=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOrganization and SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOwner=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion\RegisteredOwner then KB2603229 is not needed.
Ok, understood. Thank you for making kuc very user friendly (almost all process automated and is divided into steps), for me it is easier to troubleshoot / debug. Hope you keep up this project for a forseeable future. cheers.