Pretty sure this is just a bug with AIDA64. Anyone have numbers from other benchmarks or games that show the same regressions. I haven't been able to recreate any differences (Ryzen 3900X).
I think the oddity here is that W11 ran on bare-metal with certain CPUs has bad L3 cache performance, whereas it seems fine on those same CPUs if W11 is being ran as a guest OS instead.
not odd, it's by design - all those cpu virtualization features are meant for the host to drive most of the memory, i/o operations (for performance and data security) while the guest(s) simply passes through requests reversing it (w11 host, w10 guest) would probably make w10 suck at it instead (untested) I'm sure some intern at microsoft messed up a flag somewhere like they did with MM_DONT_ZERO_ALLOCATION and plagued games with stutters from v1703 till near eol 1803. The only question is if it's gonna take them 2+ years to acknowledge and fix it..
my cpu z multicore latest winsows 11 ryzen 5800x from multicore win 10 to win 11 6800 to 6500 single core from 660 to 640 amd still a lot of home work for windows 11 or microsoft fault because it is ok with win 10 performance but down with win 11 tpm?
22449.1000 is available. I'll spin my own install at some point to try it, but I'd be interested in hearing if anything is different on that build from others.
It's still broken in 22000.176, 22449.1000 is ok. I hope they implement the fix soon, otherwise i'm going back to Win10.