Interesting, The entire ISO was build June 1. Files are signed May 31. There is a big install.wim (3.24Gb) inside. Yep, it smells to recompilation.
For future updates use this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability] "Ring"="WIF" "ThresholdRiskLevel"="low" "BranchName"="fbl_impressive" "UserPreferredBranchName"="fbl_impressive" "ThresholdOptedin"=dword:00000001
if we put this reg keys next time we see New update in fast ring or slow ring we can download and upgrade the new build?
So we're clear, the build "filtered" is a home built, not Microsoft . I ask you to wait for the 10134 or 10136 "fbl_impressive"