First you mount the install.wim. You can do this with MSMG toolkit if you like. This is a handy way to also integrate .NetFX3.5. Once you have install.wim mounted then open powershell or command as administrator, and run this command. Code: dism /image:<path_to_image_directory> /set-productkey:<product_key> It will say that insertion is successful, but it can't change to Professional. Ignore the can't change part. Unmount the image with commit. It is easy with the toolkit or dism. Then remake the ISO with this install.wim. Do not use MTK to activate. KMSAutoNet by Ratiborus is what I used when I tested, but if you install on SDD or HDD to dual boot, or you simply want to use this as your main drive, and you are already in insider program it will activate. If you want to NOT install with MS Account, do not do the skip part you will need to choose My work or school owns it option, then choose Join a local Active Directory domain.
This build is real nice. I think the only reason they didn't release anything was because it was so close to the holidays, and everyone is on vacation. Other than that they should have released it. Like I mentioned a few posts above, I converted it to Pro, and it is running real smooth.
Thx did the same running smooth not yet but I will get there ps nice find with the pro pruduct key to convert from Enterprise to Pro
I had to set my windowblinds theme to windows default that is the only catch with this build now it runs smootly as it should be
I am sure it does. The only nice thing about using the DISM is that you can create a Pro installation. I made an AIO with Pro, Enterprise, and Education.
Offline you HAVE to use dism/imagex to insert keys but online the GUI does it, and using dism then is just showy, like basic formatting a disk using diskpart when explorer/diskmanager GUI does exactly the same.
I don't care if you are here or there, we are everywhere! The only thing I care is to wish you, and I mean it, a wonderful 2017, that's all.