Can anyone check if this version has stil the old startmenu? ... and check how stable this version is / seems? Thanks! =)
to those who have a 10041 usb back up install.wim to install.wim.backup then drag over 10014 install.wim then make a iso out of the usb and all works also spartan is epic
It would have been great if someone could have found a way to implement/integrate Spartan on 10041. I am pretty sure there are some folks that already started to make it work.
ok on second install with my microsoft account i found project spartan installed from the app store and was synced to my account
just take your 10041 usb go find install.wim and back it up then replace it with 10014 install.wim then make a iso out of the usb or install from usb
Interesting... I wonder if you now upgraded to 10041 if it keep the Spartan project still linked to your account.
This version would not let you change any system setting, account type, or run as admin. Is there any way to change that?