Does this new build have any additional VPN providers? 9926 only had the Microsoft VPN providers, whereas earlier build had others. The one I'm really looking for is F5 Networks.
SVFX_ISOCONVERTER_W10B10036_WZT Windows 10 Build 10036 - Student-Core-Professional-Enterprise x86/x64
As this build 10036 is an unofficial, means no public build and for MS internal use only, why there should be complaints about? Isn't it that we really should think the other way around that this build may have more problems than any public release till now? If those build were OK according to the requirements of for such release, MS may had released it already. Not done that, simply shows that users of it will face more problems than with older builds!
In general with windows 10 this does not seem like an improvement in terms of a GUI. This has barely any functional improvements and is simply a conversion from the Desktop to the Modern GUI. I find it somewhat ironic that there has been 0 features added to Windows 10 that were in previous windows versions.
And everyone was wondering why MS is taking so long to release a new build....... There is a philosophy in some Linux distros that they just 'won't release untill it's ready'. That's why I've been sitting here waiting patiently for an official build release.
just installed all my programs maya unreal engine 4 3ds max and so on and all my games this build is much better then 9926 for me much more stable besides the start bug
The biggest problem with windows is that the releases do not fix bugs anyway. Microsoft has a pretty atrocious history of fixing bugs in a timely manner. Also they rarely fix issues which go beyond a singular version of their own OS meaning issues which plague Windows in multiple versions are not fixed as well. My bet is that when windows 10 is released its gonna be full of bugs because gold builds are not gold anymore.
Part of the issue with open betas is that there are those that seem to like participating in them to force a stall - because they don't see ANY change (from where things are) as acceptable. Other than Android, what has changed about the hardware base for all x86-based OSes to date? (Yes - I am including OS X.) More and more, I am seeing the OSes lag - and in the case of Linux distributions, quite deliberately - what's out there in terms of hardware. Even Windows 10's Technical Previews are still somewhat lagging the existing hardware out there, though not as much as Windows 8.1 did. There is doubtless a lot of hardware (be it CPUs, GPUs, motherboard features, etc.) that will be underutilized by the RTM of 10 - and I'm talking current mainstream hardware that is NOT priced on the leading or bleeding edge. Between click-baiters and professional contrarians and haters, I don't know which group are worse. All I know is I am finding myself less tolerant of having smoke blown up my posterior than ever.
Smorgan - the issue THERE is the definition of "timely" depends on how critical the bug in question is to the majority of users. A bug that affects ten percent of users will get more attention than a bug that affects seven percent. A bug that is easily reproducible will get more attention than one that is not easily reproducible - which will get more attention than a bug that is harder to reproduce by comparison. (It isn't the case with Microsoft alone - its the case with any software company.) For example, I have NOT had the issues that the majority of folks claim to have had with merely 9926. I'm not saying that they are blowing smoke - just that I have NOT had those particular issues. There could be multiple reasons WHY I am not having those particular issues. It's also why I haven't commented on those particular issues - I haven't had them, but I can't say why they did. (Don't know means don't know - and I refuse to guess.)
Does anyone have any idea why AMD GPU drivers are forcefully installed with windows update? I have the following two options disabled yet it still installs the full Catalyst suite. Is there a way to hide drivers from the update? Please remove the two ~ as I don't have image posting privilege yet.
Build 10036 is just another leak, I prefer to wait for the official rls thru "windows insider" channel where I'm registered, they do not talk about an imminent rls.