[Leak] Windows 10 Build 10036

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. ODY123

    ODY123 MDL Expert

    Apr 20, 2011
    #361 ODY123, Mar 16, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    What start menu bug? Screenshot (7).jpg

    No problem here. Screenshot (6).png
  2. PGHammer

    PGHammer MDL Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2011
    The issue is STILL "prioritization" - what about that are you skipping over?

    Microsoft does NOT have "infinite" resources - like any business (or the government, for that matter - as much as they want to pretend otherwise) they have a finite amount of resources, and therefore MUST prioritize how to deploy those resources. Critical bugs are those that affect the greatest amount of users - those must be fixed first, Once those are fixed - and only AFTER those bugs are fixed - can Microsoft work on fixing lower-priority bugs. As much as we would want ALL the bugs to be immediately fixable, that is simply not possible. Not for any software company (be it Microsoft or anyone else - if a company says different, they are blowing smoke up your bum).
  3. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    Are you kidding me? A multi-billion dollar company has limited resources? I find that a little laughable. As much money as MS has, they should be putting out a perfect OS, not to mention separate OSs for phone, mobile, device, etc.
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  4. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    #364 Hadron-Curious, Mar 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    View attachment 34083
    It is the same fix that's applicable to previous build 9926 for Start Menu works for 10036. The link below would be helpful in forestalling the problem.
    You would have to run PowerShell as an administrator and copy and paste the code below into it and hit OK.
    Get-AppxPackage | % { Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppxManifest.xml" -verbose }
  5. PGHammer

    PGHammer MDL Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2011
    That is NOT logic - that is "wishcraft". If such logic made sense, IBM would not be Dead Last in the entire S&P 500 for the fourteenth (of fifteen) year of merely this century.
    If such logic made sense, there would be NO starving Britons (let alone Americans, Canadians, French, Germans, etc.).
    If such logic made sense, ISIS and Boko Haram would be competing in selling camel-hair brushes - not competing to see which can be the most barbaric. (Yes - I'm quite aware that they have no linked up.)
    All operating systems - for anything - have flaws. In fact, anything produced by humans has flaws - without exception. (That, by definition, includes other humans; e.g., live birth. As good as medicine is today, there are still birth defects with no known single cause - some of which are immediately fatal to the infant.)
  6. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dude u dont know what your talking about.....WOW!!!!!:eek:
  7. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    i agree is all about$$$$$$$ they just keep rolling out garbage to get as much money out of the consumers....but the saddest part people keep buying it.;)
  8. gabrielmorrow

    gabrielmorrow MDL Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    the truble is all software engineers are human humans are prone to errors

    in some cases more resources don't solve the problem it takes time to track down bugs and fix them no matter how many people you have if anything more money and people make it harder depending on the nature of the software
  9. PGHammer

    PGHammer MDL Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2011
    Prove me wrong - and with hard data.
    There is exactly NO known case of a bug-free operating system known. Not for anything.

    There is no known case of a bug-free application known.

    Beating up on a company for bug persistence is easy. Beating up on Microsoft has become a global sport.

    How well have OTHER companies handled persistent bugs? (Apple, Oracle, RedHat, etc.) I'm NOT saying "don't beat up on Microsoft" - however, there are companies that are just as bad - if not worse - as far as handling persistent bugs.
  10. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    I do not like or seek out putting a person in their place however it is time to do that. Microsoft is the biggest software company in the world with a market penetration that is second to none for consumer machines. Microsoft has the time and management expertise to a release an OS that can have timely updates and a professional user interface. We beat up on Microsoft because there machine and OS is a piece of crap. The simple ideology of making an OS that will work on everything is a pipe dream it does not work in hindsight. Microsoft has the ability to have meany teams that can do multiple things at the same time such as bug fixing and gui changes for windows development. To put it simply Microsoft has become fat and lazy as its market share grew. Just because your the big fat OS in the market does not give them the right to release crap. Linux has faster bug fixing and changes than Microsoft and I would bet my money that MS has just as many resources as the Linux community.

    Microsoft handles bugs in an arbitrary manner that is not fit for a company with its market share. I would even go as far as to say Microsoft's handling of bugs is shameful.
  11. jonaand

    jonaand MDL Senior Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    in multilanguage pack is es-mx
    bt in language pack of windows 8.1 only have es-es; exist es-mx for windows 8.1?
  12. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    My observation, from a user's perspective regarding build 10036 functionality, I think Microsoft has done much to make Windows 10 a reality and to meet the public demand as possible. I run the 'Professional' version of the leaked build and I am impressed with the aesthetic design and how the Start menu has evolved with time since the beginning of the introduction. The Setup process by far made me to think the Redmond tech giant is on its way to give us what we want or at least meet the demand of many to a certain extent.

    My little disagreement with those who think Windows 10 is crappy and useless at this point in time, the Technical Preview, is blatantly unethical - to criticize it at the early stage. For your criticism to be acceptable you would have to wait for the final release. Indeed, I would be a little perturbed to see how most notions against Windows 10 hold water in this heated debate at this very stage. That I am waiting to see well expressed in the posts of those who are against the direction Windows has taken in the cross-platform plan.
  13. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    All the while alienating their biggest customer base, businesses. IMO MS is catering to fanboys and enthusiasts. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Windows 10 is the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back" in the business environment, and more companies move to Linux and/or BSD.
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  14. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    The issue which holds no water with me is making an OS that simply has a different GUI than before like Windows 7. I want to have functionality so that I can accomplish things in a timely manner while not being bathed in the ugly clunky Windows 10 interface. I really do not see any changes that would excite me as Windows 10 simply takes the UI we have on Windows 7 and converts it to metro. If you can show me the stuff I didn't have in Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (with startisback installed) then I would have no real problem using Windows 10. My issue started with the rationale that its acceptable to accept an OS that looks bad aesthetically. I want an OS that looks as good as it functions. I liked the transparent aero design which should not date me in terms of my level of aesthetics as that was merely 6 years ago. However I have tried out Windows 10 at this stage and I feel no need to change my view as it looks like a more mature Windows 8 with a crappier look that is blocky.
  15. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I just found out that scf /scannow works perfectly well in this particular build without any hitches.
  16. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    And that is the saddest statement I've heard all day.
  17. gabrielmorrow

    gabrielmorrow MDL Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    didnt work on 9926 for me so its a good statment
  18. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    That is very conclusive. I haven't seen where Microsoft is distancing itself from the business community in this very plan. I can fervently say if there is anything about this Windows version that is of utmost interest it should be the focus and concern of having consumers at heart. It would be absolutely absurd to say the tech giant is not directed at businesses which make use of Windows. I find the Enterprise to be fully connected than ever before for most companies not to make mention of including IoT(Internet of Things) that will help to maximize works in business places.

    This is not about being a fanboy but about reality concerning how fair it is to criticize and say that Windows 10 has failed to meet public demand. It is too early to say so.
  19. omgbbqit

    omgbbqit MDL Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Anyone gotten the explorer shortcut to open in the Computer drive list root? The old trick from 7/8 with the GUID and editing the shortcut properties no longer works - it just opens the "Documents" folder now instead.

    (...Why do you need to keep interfering with this, Microsoft?)
  20. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    Well then go back to linux and stop complaining.