Office 2016 Preview ***DO NOT click on setup.exe, this file is included so that you can customize deployment to your users using the Office Deployment Tool (ODT) for Administrators*** ⦁ Open the Install Language folder you want to install. ⦁ Then select the .bat file of the product/platform you want to install. Example for English (en-us): ⦁ ProPlus_en-us_x86 or ProPlus_en-us_x64 ⦁ Visio_en-us_x86 or Visio_en-us_x64 ⦁ Project_en-us_x86 or Project_en-us_x64
I had already tried this, but it didn't work. I found why it didn't work and now it works. I moved the folder to C: Drive rather than desktop I executed bat file via Administrator Privileged MS-DOS. Now works.
Even if I got nothing to hide, I don't want certain information about my person and my life stored in some database on some remote server that is not under my control, that I cannot access, and from which I don't even know where it is - I cannot even review the data and delete stuff, nor can I trust that even if I could review it that the provider is telling me everything. I've got nothing to hide, but there's some stuff that is no one else's business. Sooooo, if you got nothing to hide, why don't you just tell us a little more about you? You don't know what? Well, it doesn't matter. Just tell us eeeeevrything... I'm sure it will be useful in some way. C'mon, since you got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear. tl;dr There's a thing called privacy.
LOL now that's pushing it a bit too far. My concern is just the carelessness of people nowadays when it comes to privacy, but hey, that's just my two cents.
office 2016 technical preview I already installed pro plus but are there any preview productkeys? I didn't receive one from connect. looks like microsoft is heading for office365 customers with this preview, cause I read you can use it with an active 365 account.
but thats true... as i installed it yesterday the os itself was about 7.56 gb huge! windows 8 / 8.1 is about 8.85 gb ... so maybe true ... and if i upgrade from windows 8.1 (fully installed is about 20gb huge) to 10 and then clean the old installation it's only 13gb huge ... but i guess i can't deinstall things later on... so.. a win.... but a half broken os
not bad at all, cause I have 16GB RAM which caused big pagefile.sys and even big hiberfil.sys earlier. ---------------------------------- Someone else noticed the user agent: IE11: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko FF36: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0 ; ) although many people say this release is crappy or unstable I guess I like it ...