I agree, this seems much more complete than 135 did. Can't wait to get it on my other two installs later. They are much better to begin with.
Looks like VMware is using the internal unattended script. Go into settings of the machine and disable the floppy drive.
1) This build corrected the 10130 problem where obvious taskbar icon notifications didn't display when the taskbar was vertically oriented. So now I'll actually be able to notice when someone sends me a message in Skype. 2) As for the direction of the taskbar icon progress bar, that's unchanged in this build, so I guess that's here to stay. It seems a weird, arbitrary change to me after so many years. 3) We can now again see up to two different clocks when hovering the mouse over the clock. That was a ridiculous thing to have removed, so I'm glad it's back. 4) VPN access is a little better. Now when you click on your VPN, you're brought directly to the VPN list. It's still a separate window, and you still have to click again--so this is in no way better than Win81 with its flyout menu--but it's better than 10130. I have no idea why a separate window is called, since last time I looked it's not for wifi.
5)Sometimes Edge not reproduce sound from youtube. 6)Sometime titlebar of Edge it show up bugged with dark theme.
When creating your vm, just tell him that you will install the OS later, then attach the iso in the virtual dvd before starting the vm
Honestly im gonna go with 10147 its only a 3 build difference and is probably only bug squash and optimizaiton, will upgrade to 10150 if it comes at the number.
When using the auto-mode in VMware it attaches floppy image with unattended file, that must be deattached.