>long term, highly respected member >implying they cannot screw up and talk crap I don't even believe how naive people like MrMagic can be.
Problem with 7600.16384? It was the first win7 RTM sign-off candidate, placed in the "RTM sign-off candidate folder" in corpnet, but it failed the sign-off test-runs, so a next candidate 7600.16385 took its place in the corpnet folder, passed the test-runs, and got signed off as win7 RTM.
I think I'm right in saying there was a thread for it earlier on which got deleted - non compliance with MDL rules. Unofficial ISO and ppl posting links to it = thread deleted.
Sad to see some users here like @MrMagic judge someone's legitimacy from no. of posts, he made at MDL. And AFAIK, @Whistler is quite trustworthy for Beta stuff.
HO-HO-HO. This inane gibberish over a dozen pages, and sometimes hundreds, far more useful pair of links to the same torrents.
Actually I never mentioned number of posts, I mentioned respected and long term members Sad to see people assuming cr4p and making stuff up to back up their weak argument I find it funny that Whistler is happy to argue with me, but scared to argue with the member I posted a quote saying the same as me
well he was banned for bullying and being hateful to everyone and even threaten someones life so don't be shocked
Assuming rubbish again? You Psychic? Ive been a member here for quite a long time, I know who I respect, not down to post count But when I see someone with under 200 posts, and nearly 2 years being a member, I don't have much respect for them
Anyway, I'm not falling for this flame bait again, yes I got banned because I forgot to bite my tongue and retaliated to fools Not happening