The fact of the matter is that Lucas is right. He has explained more than 3 times what happened with 10176. Look at the digital signatures. Valid signature on EVERY SINGLE FILE. Can you explain to me how one can pull off tampering the file while keeping the signature intact? No, you can't, because it's impossible. The signature is stamped to each file during the build process which last time I checked is done in redmond. You can think what you want but know this, WZOR is a moron, the ZH-CN ISO is an original MS untouched image, and the mod that lucas did is far superior to the other "hackjobs" floating around the net today.
Sure I can see where you are going but why flaming on members off MDL is it not becoming an Ego question !!
For me it has nothing to do with egos or anything of the sort. I'm just presenting the absolute facts. Once you really look at this you cannot deny that it is legit, the zh-cn is 100% original. Yes, the EN-US is a homebrew, but done in such a way that anyone who chooses to install it can be assured they won't have any issues with it. The wzor homebrew is dangerous though, not 100% translated and if you add a component that component will be in chinese.
I read that a Chinese guy received it as an ESD when trying to check for updates. If that's the case, It's strange that it would have 10011 files mixed in, but I can't say that someone exactly modified them. It could just be that it was a test image that MS was using or that the update story was wrong. Either way, I've seen no evidence that this ISO originated from MS. The only speculation I've seen suggest that it was converted from ESD, but not modified.
well said, yes I agree, the EN-US iso is a very very well made release, and to be honest if this was any other time not close to rtm, peeps would be all over this!
The 10011 versioning is an internal screwup on the build server for the TH1 lab. It happened with fbl_impressive in early 100xx builds too, and can be seen with things like Windows Media player to this day. It's probably going to be fixed for RTM, unless MS has a reason for doing this on purpose. As for the ISO vs ESD thing, not 100% sure about that, i was told it was original, but even if it's a converted image, the contents of it are legit.
Maybe, but that could've easily been a 100kb WU patch that didn't require MS to wait until next Wednesday, and having to compile several new builds (if these binaries were RTM binaries labeled incorrectly). Nah I'm sure this build was messed up for several reasons. Not to mention however it got leaked. Super old binaries don't just pop up out of nowhere in MS's builds lol.