If you really had read all those explanation, please tell me how it's possible that the original via WU installed OS has the right version number while those pictures posted are shown different? Simply I don't like to get fooled and also didn't like that others get fooled! What's wrong with that? And I'm not snapping on people as you tell or see, I just try to be as objective as possible and there should nothing wrong with that! There a lot of posters who having nothing else in mind as snipping on others and objectivity is simple unknown for them. If I or somebody else is pointing to something what (maybe) should be addressed, it is in interest of the community and should fairly be handled, just fairness is also something many don't know what that is! And regarding to your 'advice' in your post, it seems to be that you fall in that category of humans. That's not expressed in anger because I din't have anger with other except those others starting to accuse and that's what you'd done with your comment. Regards
I believe that's one of the outcomes of Multitasking! Simply user's 'forget' to close down an used apps and that still runs in background. Also many apps get installed without properly follow up the installation process because users are to lazy to read everything shown on screen BEFORE the install start's and that could lead to install a lot of 'rubbish' apps! For sure, if I run 'heavy' apps like Lumion or so, the use of RAM goes up quite lot, just come back to normal level a the same moment I close that apps! Even after using my Laptop with 10166 for several hours, the use of RAM goes hardly above 30% (from 8GB in total) even with Chrome running the whole time. I just keep an close 'eye' on what is running on my Laptop (or computer).
That just shows what? If you like to get the real infos, you have to check the files in question, here Windows Media Player Executable, and not an part of an maybe old Help File because that is what you will get that way. And that could be totally false informations, which maybe is in this case. If someone like to blame an developer like Microsoft, that should be done on the proper way. Regarding the Help Files in Beta's, they hardly get changed for every build, that would be done for the Final and/or RTM, hopefully! To base true information on the outcome of an Help File, and those About is simply part of the related Help File, is just totally wrong! User's with a bit of knowledge would know that very well. If they still use such info for to post as true information in an public community, readers should ask WHY. Is it just simply to be lazy or is it intended?
Nope the zh-cn is untouched ISO. What happened is that Microsoft screwed up internally with the 10011 deal. Incorrect flags were set on build or something like that. 10011 has been in every single insider preview since...will you guessed...10011 Lucas en-us is home brew but it's 100% English. Very stable indeed
I agree with you Pisthai as much people like to prove it is not !! Personaly I don't care If it is original iso from Microsoft I'm not gonne use it !! It is so messed up with build info differences
I agree that's it better to wait for RTM leak instead But like I said it wasn't a frankenbuild as Microsoft screwed up internally on version
I don't know who screwed up ! Microsoft or the Chinese or lucas either way it is the same if you bought an expensive car these days with an engine who says build in 1987