Fact is, any Leak of an MS OS isn't legal and there isn't any proof from Microsoft itself that those leaked version isn't edited in any means from those person who leaked it! As long as Microsoft didn't approve the leaked ISO file, it's simply an Frankenbuild! Don't fool yourself and others!!
Fact is that there is no way the verify the hashes of leaked builds so technically anybody could temper those on the other hand the ones that are released by Microsoft come always with hashes from Microsoft self so can be checked at the user end
Sadly very true indeed that's why am turning so much s**t off right now for when i move over 10 because don't need or use the stuff and hopefully..? When its out windows 10 it will keep all my settings so i don't need to do them again .. but have seen a few things on 8.1 like windows edge settings and what not in regedit..?
I know what you mean Sometimes it's hard to trust the leaks Always best to stick with official builds. I have to agree with you on that But I still like to test leaks in my VM either way.
Red: Nothing against that and WHY I should?! I'm just curious and careful! For my part, I wouldn't use others than MS released builds, the very few times I had, it ended up in a lot problems! So no way to go for myself! What any other person is doing, is simply full on their own! And their own Risk as well!
I'm upgrading through the whole process but I will choose for an clean install when RTM hit's us It is a lot of work and somebody has to do it but I think it is worth it to get a nice and clean OS to start with
Yeah i understand .. Am so far down to 1.4GB in use with my memory and used 48GB out of a 300GB Hard Drive .. Not so bad to be honest with you feels a lot faster for me on a laptop ..
What surprises me the most is the winsxs folder i'm checking in 10176 how much it will grow while testing it ??? It grows far beyond anything i ever saw before, I understand its use, but common M$oft why must it have say 68933 files using 6.24 gigs of used space, i have this in my working win 8.1 right now ???? 25.5 gigs of hiberfil.sys --- i know i hibernate my comp often 32 gigs of pagefile.sys Loosing around 60 gigs of hdd, just to run a windows OS it's ridiculous.
My hopes with win 10 are very low ... not impressed at all, fighting my way to close everything that communicate without my consent IE: Privacy setting, Apps settings, WEB cam, micro .... pffff etc ...
Install fiddler in your system and monitor which .exe s are connecting to servers you don't approve of.
Doing a little experiment at the moment using 10166 files with the en-us install.wim from this build Yeah an Frankenbuild
Did you try to google for it ? I think it is not possible but I can be mistaken and if you do manage let us know please !
I believe you need a Pro key, maybe try to work out a "emulated Pro key" from keyconfig(or whatever file?). Even if you succeeded, don't post the key, better still, post your findings in another thread.