In regards to RTM (TH1) sign off. Other Builds compiled higher than 10176 (10192 - 10240) indicate that Microsoft are going through an internal testing and selection process for a final RTM candidate build that's worthy of sign off e.g. no major show stopping bugs that could cause issues on a large scale and meets engineering quality control. The way this works is simple, If the first compiled RTM candidate build does not meet a certain quality for sign off then whatever the issue is gets fixed and another build is compiled. This build is then tested again like before and so on... Due to this it is entirely possible that Builds 10176, 10192, 10208 and 10224 did not pass final quality tests for RTM sign off. Also note that any builds 10500 and higher are part of the TH2 lab which is NOT Windows 10 RTM, this is for a future update coming later on. Windows 10 RTM builds are from the TH1 lab only. It's all just rumours and speculation right now so wait and see
They do have the correct dates, just weird 10011 on half the files. Plus they're signed. Seems more like MS error than Chinese leaker error.
here you go: Code: sppobjs.dll 10.0.10011.0 7/6/2015 1:27am sppwinob.dll 10.0.10011.0 7/6/2015 1:27am sppsvc.exe 10.0.10011.0 7/6/2015 1:27am slui.exe 10.0.10011.0 7/6/2015 1:27am sppc.dll 10.0.10011.0 7/6/2015 1:27am
to make it simple ah no this build is very well stable and runs great and has no issues the english iso was great
Not an MS error! Fact is, not every single file need to be changed, a lot of the old files, even back to 8.1 could still be used. Windows contains 10th of thousand of files and change every single of them for every single build, will be still simply impossible, special in that short periods of time as that cycle is right now! They could automate quite a bit but all of those changes!
Sorry: How could YOU that sure about that? Maybe, and I really mean maybe, those person from MS who 'leaked' that file could be already the first one who change some of the content, or some of those followers who were get their hands on, before it went public! Personally I really believe that the real Original file were altered in some way, means it were Frankebuild from beginning!
the last franken build i used was unstable broken mess and nothing worked even the reg was screwed up but this build was very well clean and the reg and all apps where untouched i diid a complete sweep of the os and it's good
lmao, well, that confirms it then, because it's stable, it can't possibly be a frankenbuild... wow.... some people lmao
you run the tests and go over the files and truly look into the system you can see everything you need but people don't always check fully just skim through and only learn what they want like mrmagic he talks to much and knows very little and thinks everyone is wrong yet does non of the work to prove it