Don't bother wasting your time with that guy, even if the whole world proved him wrong, he'd still think he was right
That build No. 10011 seems to be in the Help Files only and as I explained, they even could hardly change any single file. The important files like .exe, .dll and others just showing to totally correct build number!! And who couldn't see that. is simply an idiot!
lol, and my point proven, the guy is a coward, only quotes myself in his hate posts, can't find the balls to quote other long term members, even though they are saying the exact same thing Come on coward, quote some other people calling your bluff, I dare you This will be my last post on this idiotic matter, not getting sucked in again
Official Windows 10 RTM will be available 2015 07 15 2.45 PM source: twitter dot com/wzornet and WPC 2015
"no-one" needs win>7 but "win 9 3/4" (you say rtm10) is out in the wild - I prefer hxxp:// - hahahahaha...
If you remove a language package with the MS method, then add a Language Package with the MS Method. then it depends on your (MEANING OF) HACKED, I call mine MS preferred Method to add or change. and since my Name is Snuffy (you can call it a "Snuff-nstein" build) but I do not HACK
yeah funny to see an English / Chinese setup .... and a few mixed languages setup windows too did an upgrade at first and a clean one after that for the fun of it.