Yes. But I am afraid that we might not get the right build if BranchName was not fbl_impressive. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability] "FlightingOwnerGUID"="Y-O-U-R-OWN" "EnablePreviewBuilds"=dword:00000001 "BranchName"="fbl_impressive" "UserPreferredBranchName"="fbl_impressive" "Ring"="WIF" "RingBackup"="WIS" "ThresholdRiskLevel"="low" "ThresholdOptedin"=dword:00000001
Yes and No, Wait and see But, but, be prepared to get wallet out It's hard for me to believe MS will not fix that in official build May work in leaked build The only way to really know is come back to MDL on 29 Jul and see if it works by reading forums
Seriously the answer and discussion on what you asked is just 4 or 5 topics below this one. Just because this was the top thread is not the place to ask anything. The title to the thread could not have been more explicit: My windows 8.1 was activated by kmspico method. can i upgrade? Unlike the title to this thread: <LEAK> Windows 10 Build 10176.16384 Ent X64 zh-CN Pretty much those of us in discussion threads already have legit keys to work with, at least from what I have seen.
He has no RTM link, even if he did, I would not be surprised if version released on 29th was alittle different
Its NOT RTM yet. The only reason that build 10176 can be activated using MTK and others alike are because the leaked and or frankenbuild of 10176 is VOL and is still using KMV v6. RTM will likely be an updated version of KMS like maybe KMS v7. ~MC
Don't worry about it, it won't happen unless some wise guy figure out a retail key and convert the Ent to Pro, and people flooded in to beg the key. Anyway, waiting for WZor or OSBA to leak 10240, then this thread will sink like a rock.
Ya no reason to close this thread as 10176 IS the newest build! I'm enjoying it (tho blurry fonts when I increase to 125% font size in non-Modern apps!!!)
Ya it's finally nice to have an "activable" Win10 release, but that's only because MS have been absolutely silent on how the 7/8-10 upgrades will work. The weirdest part here is why this release has KMSv6 instead of V7....why wouldn't MS package their final code (including KMS) into their RTM candidates?