All that is abot MUIs. You need to change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language To switch the deafault and setup language. Then you can remove the MUI not used as default. No need to touch the MUI registry values you posted above
T-S, Thanks. To be frank, I had tried by all means. But it just ruined my System. OK. This is about all I can say. Thanks a lot, T-S.
You are welcome. In short the regitry settings you posted must be added manually if you want add manually a language pack. i.e. You want to add German, the official MUI isn't available, so you copy manually the MUIs from an older windows folder. In that case, to make windows aware of the German MUI availability, the related section must be present (the registry you posted). Instead when two MUIs are already installed, no matter if preinstalled or installed with LPksetup, and you want to change the setup and/or the default language what I posted is the registry key to edit. If you change the setup value before the installation you''ll be able to upgrade an existing English windows because the two values must match
and I wonder why this thread is still open because it was overlay proved that this buid, its in fact a piece of chinese junk.
Not for me she didn't - not supported in region even though I had region and system locale on US. Not that I care lol.