Maybe, but we'll see. Regarding keeping this build up to date, Windows Update will probably stop providing updates after Oct 1st.
I hear there is an "inetpub" folder on the root of C: when this is installed? Anyone know why, and is it in use?
so why is it in 10176? Someone auto install/running a web server in this hackintrash? like a big ole fat backdoor ? lol
This folder can be safely deleted (inetpub). On the leaked build, IIS is not enabled on install. I would guess this was left behind after integrating the en-US files and capturing the install.
I am using the 10176 leaked build modified for en-us. I have been using this build since it came out. Something curious just happened to me - I received a notification asking for feedback on how I like this technical preview build. I am wondering, any possible indication that this might be the build they are pushing to insiders in the coming days?
It's actually most surprising that you would get that notification on a build that was a RTM candidate..who cares what you think about the build if it becomes RTM? It's too late then.
Same here - it's probably because the Feedback app will be updated for July 29th? I submitted feedback . Gotta be a loyal Insider, even on these leaked builds!
hmm, I can't get .net framework 3.5 installed, no matter what, tried offline installer, full package, weird stuff, anyone try to install that? not even listed in add/remove window features
Mount Windows 10 ISO Open CMD Admin: Code: DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /limitaccess /source:X:\sources\sxs Replace red X to where you've mounted Win 10 ISO....