Thanks much...will give it a shot...and then get back... Edit: OK, I logged into the other admin account and it immediately went into the "Hi, don't know what sort of GUI you want so let me 'set things up,'" mode...that took about 8 minutes...but...this time that account immediately knew that I was on a desktop (not start screen) and set it up for desktop/start menu without any complications. I set the desktop like I like it and then logged back into my normal admin account without difficulty--thanks for the suggestion...! Perhaps just doing this has solved the problem...won't know though until I do another reboot...coming up shortly.....! Thanks again for the suggestion! Edit2: Nah, of course for me nothing is ever that simple... This build is really flaky. Whenever I boot, the OS boots to the new Admin account I created, then has to rebuild a desktop while I sit there and watch the screens change color and tap my feet. When the desktop finally appears, I can then log out and log back into my older Admin account, and if I'm lucky the desktop will appear--or maybe I'll get treated to the whole "Hi...let's set things up" sequence all over again. Don't know what to do...seems this build is very buggy...would like to revert to 9879, but not quite sure if that's even possible at this point. The heartrending tales of Being a Nerd. Edit 3: I seemed to have regained a significant degree of stability by uninstalling the Catalyst 14.12 (Omega version) and reinstalling them. Hope this isn't an illusion...will get back here as soon as I know more. Edit 4: Yep, looks like the thing is finally stable...enough to use confidently at any rate..the combination of activating the admin account (it'd been so long I'd forgotten it was there), and uninstalling and then reinstalling the Catalyst 14.12 Omega drivers seems to have gotten me over the initial humps I'd experienced with 9901...I've now hidden the admin account again and still all is well...we shall see...
Same here. Running Bitlocker from original 8.1 install through inplace upgrades up to 9901 and it's working without issue.
installed 9901 caps lock bug still here, install time same as previous builds (efi install 8 series intel chipset), google chrome 64 bit works without a glitch to install dotnetfx 3.5 and 2.0 had to use this command: Code: DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:e:\sources\sxs e being my W10 installer's drive letter worked on first try windows update failed but somehow installed the stuff after restart gives the impression of being a little more solid than previous builds, just installed it and testing first things. To those who had chrome failed installing try getting chrome 64 bit
I have the same problem is there nothing we can do to get that working? Or just wait for the next build.
Look at post #326 In this thread, has a link to dl net framework 3.5 and how to install it. worked for me on 2 of my PC
It is prevalent issue in the later Windows 10 Technical Preview Builds. I am having the same problem sometimes but not all the time.
Windows Store (beta) error? is there a reset for this store like wsreset.exe resets the other store or maybe a CMD command to reset the beta store i get this img everytime i load the app //
Anyone knows how to get into safe mode for this version, installed couple days, chrome 64 bit works without problem, installed Microsoft office10 last night, anything came up OK, power off, screen display showed update (sorry post count not enough to load picture) in the morning, wake up and power on, boot up normal, but desktop screen display keeps flashing, try to get into safe mode to do restore, but couldn't get it....
MS probably pulled the plug once they found out about the leak, it used to be fine, but now everybody gets this error