[LEAK] Windows 10 Build 9901

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Dec 14, 2014.

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  1. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    @endbase: OK, I installed Silverlight, which was offered by Update this morning, and after done that "Check for updates" were gone. I think it will come back if the next update is available.

    Regarding .NET 3.5, I'd send an report to MS already abut it. To do and install of an older Build, install .NET 3.5 and than update again to 9901, isn't a way to go. And at this time nobody will know what happen by the next leak?! It could be better and it could be worse!
    Don'gt know why the devs at Moborobo still using that old .NET 2.0 which is outdated already! Maybe it has something to do with Android OS because that Apps is mainly used for to get an Smart Phone connected to the PC for to maintain and exchange data and most Smart Phones and Tablets using Android (all versions)!
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  2. WildByDesign

    WildByDesign MDL Addicted

    Sep 8, 2013
    BIOS is up-to-date. I think what I might do is re-install 9901 from scratch again. I was thinking about doing a Refresh but I am not too confident that it will work. I'll post my results and see if I can resolve the issue with Metro apps and my BSOD as well.
  3. Fernando 1

    Fernando 1 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2011
    I don't think, that your problems have anything to do with your hardware or drivers, because the problems existed since you have done the OS installation.
    By the way: After my first clean install of Build 9901 I had exactly the same problems as you (no Windows Update, no Apps available etc.).
    My solution: I have completely reinstalled the OS from scratch - and everything worked flawlessly.
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  4. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    #504 pisthai, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
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  5. Mrox2

    Mrox2 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    it still happened to me on all builds, only triggers based on some events sadly, its an annoying bug, I hope it gets fixed.
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  6. bigmuscle

    bigmuscle MDL Junior Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    Is there any kind person which would pack and send me ApplicationFrame.dll, dwm.exe, dwmcore.dll and udwm.dll from build 9901? Via PM, of course.
  7. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    #507 endbase, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
    Sent you a pm let me know if it is deliverered :p did not now how to attach an rar so gave a link to it :)
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  8. lookus

    lookus MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    I still have problems with touch - it's not working properly in any metro app, neither finger nor pen. anyone else having this issue? clean install of paul's version, pro, sp2.
  9. hanschke

    hanschke MDL Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    what can I do if the setup will close under windows :g:
  10. WildByDesign

    WildByDesign MDL Addicted

    Sep 8, 2013
    Success! Thank You! :biggrin:

    After 6 or 7 clean installs, I finally have a working (near perfectly) system with build 9901. And I have to agree with a few others, this is near rock solid and one of the most stable builds thus far. BSOD's are gone as well, so that also was likely tied into the whole Metro/Modern stuff being broken previously. So it wasn't driver related, hardware related, or security software related.


    The only difference with this clean install was using a Microsoft Account by default, right from the start during the installation and allowing Internet access during install as well. First time I ever used a Microsoft Account. I followed all default options during installation as I normally do. And Metro/Modern apps worked right from the beginning this time.

    And to try to determine the failing point based on my configurations, programs, customization, etc., instead of doing everything in one shot with only one or two reboots, I did a reboot after each and every significant change and checked Metro/Modern apps after each boot. That way I could track down the failing point. So I did well over a dozen or two reboots until I got all of my settings, programs and configurations the way that I normally have it. After all of that, still no point of failure as far as Metro/Modern apps go or the random BSOD's. So it looks like the breakage was occurring during clean installations and seems to be happier with a Microsoft Account as well and choosing all default/recommended options throughout installation. My system setup is now the same as I normally have it, and with zero issues to do with Metro/Modern or BSOD's.


    So clearly 9901 is quite sketchy/flaky during initial installation and can break easy depending on options chosen. However, once you have had a successful clean installation of 9901, without any breakage/sketchiness/flakiness, it is smooth sailing. I now agree 100% with some other users here who have stated that 9901 is one of the most stable and best performing builds thus far. It is a great experience at the moment now. And now with all working Metro/Modern apps, I can finally start to contribute back to the Windows Insider program with the Windows Feedback app and so on, along with whatever statistics and data gets sent automatically as well. Hopefully with the amount of users contributing and voicing their opinions, Windows 10 will turn out alright in the end.

    Thank You:

    I just wanted to thank everyone again who has been helping me with these issues lately and sticking with me. I have always done my best to help others as well when I can and that is what I enjoy doing here at MDL and a few other forums. Also, thanks to the user(s) who leak the builds, and the users who share the builds with links and mirrors. I absolutely admire the community interaction here at MDL. :cool:

    Now time for me to start helping others again now that things are working well here. Time to find more workarounds and so on.
  11. Sir007

    Sir007 MDL Secret Agent

    May 9, 2011
    This is a spam message.
  12. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    What is this version that Paul has " Pro, sp2"
    I am using 9901 and still having problems on one laptop with Nvidia drivers for it. It is a HP laptop with a Nvidia Go 6150. Only driver for it is from HP and it is for Vista x64. I seen on the MS forum that there is a fix but I can't find it or get it. Was wondering if Pauls sp2 has it. I downloaded the one Paul had when 9901 came out.
  13. bchat

    bchat MDL Smart Azz

    Nov 7, 2008
    I knew it, just as soon as you posted it.
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  14. Sir007

    Sir007 MDL Secret Agent

    May 9, 2011
    #514 Sir007, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
    Smart Azz you are Uncle Bill :D :cool:
  15. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    Paul had the original, end o story :D
  16. Sir007

    Sir007 MDL Secret Agent

    May 9, 2011

    Ah, that's you we're calling "dah original Paul's" :sailor:
  17. bchat

    bchat MDL Smart Azz

    Nov 7, 2008
    i do what I do best...;)

    FYI - it is Bill - NOT "Bi" - not that there is anything wrong with that - :hug2:
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  18. bchat

    bchat MDL Smart Azz

    Nov 7, 2008
    Yep - he marinates it in fine wine, serenades it with cool jazz, isoizes it, and ships it out.
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  19. f.a.

    f.a. MDL Novice

    Dec 18, 2014
    I've tried shutdown.exe -a and it didn't even stop the reboot process. ModernUI apps doesn't work after lsass fail. That makes me think my lsass fails are somehow connected with immersive shell. And probably even with apps problems like WildByDesign had. :g:
    Yeah, false update massanges on lock screen, win key doesn't close start screen, can't set pin code for log in. + keyboard indicator bugs from the previous builds. That's pretty crappy and makes me sad.