Seems to be that the problems with the Andy Android is VB related!! Unfortunately, that Virtual Box used by Andy could not be update to the latest version and that could be the culprit! Works fine in 9841 and works in 9879, if no updates are done from Settings! At the same moment I do the updates from Settings in 9879, Virtual Box stops working! And in 9901 it will not from anyway because of the VB! I'll re-install 9901 and use to create the partitions and left some 100GB unpartitioned. On that I'll than install and other Android I just got. Have to use Dual Boot for that instead to be able to run Android from within Windows. Don't know yet that Android (4.4.2 KitKat) will work with Ethernet because my desktop didn't have WiFi Adapter. Maybe it could emulate WiFi via Ethernet as Andy Android is doing! Maybe Microsoft is to fast with major changes in Windows 10 now and the other developer's are to far behind!!
Wrap stuff like that in CODE tags, otherwise vbulletin adds weird spaces Code: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer] "DisableNotificationCenter"=dword:00000001 also [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "DisplayToastAtBottom"=dword:00000001
Anyone have problems with nvidia drivers in games, i get driver stopped. In the other build: 9841, 9860, 9879, 9880 work fine.
I get driver stopped with my 970 GTX Twin Frozr V OC i try with ver 347.09, 344.75 and 344.65. The system work fine without error, but in games with everything in high, the driver is stopped. I rollback to 8.1 for now... maybe i try reinstall again the build 9901.
Why is Invidia or ATI more often than not comes up with errors? Intel seems to be working flawlessly though.
I think Intel update their drivers more frequently then other manufacturers, I was able to install the newest Intel drivers for 9901.
I'm installing the build 9901 in Vmware Workstation 11. I added the line firmware="efi" and the installation is started normally. But now it is stuck on "Getting Ready". Any solutions?
Can take a very long time installing on an non ssd disk ! I had the same installing on my hdd in VmWare then installed on my sdd it was finished in ten minutes
@MrG: i have a celeron 2-core processor. I set 3000 MB of memory and 80 GB of HDD. But 12 minutes of total time or on "Getting Ready"?