This helped out 100% for me, 1. Open the administrative Command Prompt and paste the following command there and hit Enter key: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\ImmersiveControlPanel\AppxManifest .xml from post #472 in this Thread
This is a great site to ask.. you always get help.. you do get one or two odd balls now and then.. just ignore and keep going..
I am glad the apps and every other thing finally work. Usually, you have to do a clean install for better experience of Windows Technical Previews.
Running 9901 in a VM is like...standing on a golf green during a raging thunderstorm with the metal pin marker in place in the cup, the rod firmly gripped in your hand...zzzzz-z-z-z-zap!'s just going to be a matter of time... I've found 9879 to be much more stable--did a clean install to a dedicated partition and was surprised to see the whole thing wrap in about ~15 minutes...! Previously, I had installed 9879 as an upgrade right on top of 9860 and that took some 90 minutes--as it did initially when I upgraded an 8.1 install to 9860...Clean install is far superior in terms of the time required--and probably the results, too. Since we're dealing with beta releases and 9901 is not an official release (not to mention one I found exceptionally buggy, too), I'd highly recommend 9879 as that has performed very well and stable for me in all cases. Use 9879 instead...(Just my humble advice, of course.)
What is weird is I cleaned flashed build 9879 and my SSD was slow at booting and things like opening up Windows Media player and playing a song, would cause it to crawl, but build 9901 has it back to Windows 8.1 speeds. I think it all depends on hardware too. One thing about build 9901 that I noticed is safe mode has Explorer saying "Hard error" which is not pretty assuring, but it's a beta and I understand the circumstances. Happy New Year everyone!
guys i am work with msdn team and only genuine member of windows 10 insider program have to access to this alpha beta project ok
and so stop to insert fake or false copy my friend from singapore working with microsoft says only insider geniune user get beta each month or each few month and only few of trusted and geniune member=not leaker or hacker or similar can get windows 10 internal build
It would be preferable to not feed the Troll and keep this thread to it's original purpose. Have install 9901 since the first day and I have absolutely no crashes, no BSOD, no explorer leaks. I am extremely happy cause with MPC on all the other builds had to restart dialy explorer.exe, let's hope to get the Consumer Preview asap.