[LEAK] Windows 10 Build 9901

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Dec 14, 2014.

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  1. WildByDesign

    WildByDesign MDL Addicted

    Sep 8, 2013

    I respect your comment, as I always respect everyone's individual opinions. I understand all of what you stated and I understand where you are coming from with that.

    This is merely just for conversation. Playing with these builds is like playing with "toys", as you said. Some of us find interest in seeing what is progressing under the hood, which direction certain settings or applications are moving in and so on. Some of us like to tinker with things, figure things out. It can be just a simple learning experience for some. It can be anything, really. Just somewhat of an adventure from a software perspective.

    As I said, I respect where you are coming from with your comment. I know there are a significant amount of users that are using these types of alpha/beta builds that really should not be using them. And also lots of users whining about this and that. But in this case it is simply just conversation between other interested users to see how things progress under the hood.

    Cheers! :cheers:
  2. luke

    luke MDL Senior Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    This build is broke on my surface pro can't change my password most of the settings in the metro UI don't work.
  3. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    It is still in testing, so if you wanted it to work 100% it will not.
    So don't say it is broke because it is not. You may have to play with it to get it working.
    That is what everyone should be doing. I my-self have had major problems on some installs and others it worked perfect.
  4. Mrox2

    Mrox2 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    #724 Mrox2, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    I know right, just revert back to old builds or use Windows 8.1, only those who are willing to risk (like me) should use such builds and even previews, its not intended for people with no experience.

    Btw, here is some transparency madness! #ISupportAeroGlass #BringBackAeroGlass !! :clap:

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  5. MyDigito

    MyDigito MDL Member

    Aug 16, 2012

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  6. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    efi.cfg!! In sources of ISO!
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  7. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    Which ISO
    Build 9901
  8. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    If exist, would be in any ISO of any MS OS'es! All times in Folder: sources!
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  9. Rob Jansen

    Rob Jansen MDL Junior Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    #730 Rob Jansen, Jan 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
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  10. luke

    luke MDL Senior Member

    Jun 22, 2007

    Broken is still broken end of story.
  11. chantszhim

    chantszhim MDL Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    What languages do Cortana support in this version?
  12. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    What ever.
    Go some place else then.
    Have a good day
  13. Mitchell7

    Mitchell7 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    It's called Pre-Release software, which is what Windows 10 currently is. Not everything is expected to work 100% and Microsoft quite clearly state this.

    If this isn't what you want then may I suggest you stick to Windows 8.1 until Windows 10 reaches RTM.
  14. Espionage724

    Espionage724 MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2009
    He gave his feedback, which in the end is all that matters.

    If something isn't working, what would you call it exactly? Yeah, we all know we're dealing with pre-release software... but last I checked, if something doesn't work, it's broken. The question is, can other people reproduce that issue? We should be trying to figure out what the issue is, not arguing over the correct usage of words and who should be using what software...
  15. RLSARC

    RLSARC MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2014
    thanks! will try this one out
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  16. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    #737 maddog0266, Jan 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
    I did not say what he/she should use.
    But really, all he had to say is "its not working for me, this is what is happening." Then maybe people here would give him some help to fix it.
    But no all he can say is "it broke my surface, its no good" boo hoo cry me a river. Ask for help maybe you will get it.

    I have had problems with my install, some major, some minor. But I asked if anyone has had those problems and any fixes. I also have fixed problems and posted the fix that I have come across.
  17. Espionage724

    Espionage724 MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2009
    He said the build was broke on his Surface; not that the build broke his surface. It's equivalent to the few posts of people saying features were broken on a VM.

    I don't know if anything else was said before that; but I really don't see anything that would make that quote fuss-worthy.
  18. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    #739 maddog0266, Jan 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
    It does not matter, read his next post.
    After I said it is for testing.
    You can not expect this to work 100% when it is not 100% complete, it is not even close to 60% on this build.
    There are things not even there yet. The place holders are there, but the guts are not.
    He/she wants or expects it to be 100%
    If that is what he/she wants then keep using Windows 7 or 8.1

    This is what luke posted..."Broken is still broken end of story."
  19. Mrox2

    Mrox2 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    Just because its not working for your surface, doesnt mean its broken, yes its work in progress, but its not broken at all, its WIP and that is all, and its working perfectly fine for me, been using ever since it leaked, if you dont like wip/test/leaked builds then dont use them, stick to official final software, that's thee end of the story...
    You're using a WIP Build, do you expect it to work like a final build, for everyone? the fact its missing many features and how much it will change until final/RTM is enough, even the official preview builds are NOT intended for normal users and it is said TO NOT use it on your daily machine just in case, as it could be buggy for you.
    However, I do risk and use preview builds on my personal machine cause its the only one, but even before I do I make sure if its working fine for everyone else and then take the risk and install it, I wouldn't complain if it didnt work properly cause its not a final build or software, I take responsibility for installing a leaked build, and I love taking risks, so if you dont then dont bother, simple right? :confused:
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